毕业论文关键词: 运动服装销售网站;电子商务网站;JSP;MySQL
Design and Implementation Of Sports Clothing Sales Website
Abstract: Entry twenty-first Century, people pay more and mote attention on the network life,especially realizing business transactions by Internet . The Sports Clothing Sales Website is a typical electronic commerce website,the website has improved the traditional selling concept of dresses sales. It’s far away from the cumbersome process of selecting goods and makes the long and tired shopping process easier and easier and it’s quite fit for the fast pace of modern lives.
Sports Clothing Sales Website is a module model of online shopping includes foreground and background . The foreground function is provided to the ordinary users, and the background is provided to the administrators. The important function of the foreground includes view clothing information function, membership registration and authentication function and cart functions,etc,and the important function of the background includes registration website administrator, clothing data management function, the users data management function and the order processing , etc.
The dynamic realization of the website foreground is mainly through JSP , framing joint database by JAVA , the highest rate development language, the database use the simple, fast running MySQL. Finally, through the JavaScript to achieve interaction of some Web page .
Keywords: Sports Clothing Sales Website ; Electronic Commerce Website ;JSP(Java Server Pages) ; MySQL
目 录
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 引言 1
1.2 目的和意义 1
第2章 相关技术 2
2.1 JSP程序设计语言介绍 2
2.1.1 JSP概述 2
2.1.2 JSP的特点 2
2.2 系统开发JAVA语言介绍 2
2.2.1 JAVA概述 2
2.2.2 JAVA的特点 2
2.4 TOMCAT 3
2.5 MYSQL 3
2.5.1 MYSQL概述 3
2.5.2 MYSQL的特点 3
第3章 网站的功能分析和设计 4
3.1 可行性分析 4
3.1.1 技术可行性研究 4
3.1.2 运行可行性研究 4
3.1.3 经济可行性研究 4
3.2 网站总体结构 4
3.3 前台功能分析 5
3.3.1 网站主页模块 5
3.3.2 用户注册/登录模块 5
3.3.3 商品搜索模块 6
3.3.4 购物车模块 6
3.3.5 个人中心模块 6 jsp+mysql运动服装销售网站设计:http://www.751com.cn/jisuanji/lunwen_33974.html