Parking management information system
In today's society surge in the number of various types of vehicles, the parking problem has become plagued the city managers and owners of the problem, so standard and strengthen the vehicle parking management is very necessary. Development of parking management information system for vehicle parking information management, can effectively improve the parking utilization rate, to shorten the time of parking and vehicle extraction, and can according to the parking lot of the scale, various types of parking spaces in the distribution and amount, parking period and charging standards information guided vehicle parked, also can according to the cycle time and the type of vehicle, in statistical analysis, and provide a basis for the parking lot management.
With the development of the times, information has been inextricably linked with our lives, in today's environment information management is people's pursuit, and now more and more families have belong to own vehicles, in this environment, parking lot management efficiency, information, automation, human also appears more and more important. Therefore, a good management system can bring a lot of convenience for the people's life. Correct concept of management which is very important, the parking of vehicles management core is collection of the rationalization of investment income maximization and vehicle information distribution and management service by make full use of all kinds of management tools, help people achieve the purpose of reasonable allocation, meet the people needs of security management, persification of the proceeds. Development of a parking lot management information system catering to the development trend of modern company, and contact information for the rational management of residents and others to the important value and significance.
Keywords: Parking; information; Core; Reasonable allocation
摘要 i
Abstract ii
目录 iii
1 绪论 1
1.1 课题的目的和意义 2
1.2 国内外研究现状和水平 3
1.3 发展趋势 3
2 分析 4
2.1 调研情况 4
2.2 本课题的基本内容 4
2.3 本课题的重点 5 C#+sqlserver停车场管理信息系统设计+文献综述:http://www.751com.cn/jisuanji/lunwen_34578.html