摘要: 由于互联网金融的飞速发展,当今人们对银行服务平台的需求也在提高。农业银行针对“三农”问题开发的“四融”平台不仅仅是很好的解决了农民进行银行基础业务不方便的问题,同时也适应着现在的发展趋势。本次课题主要是对农行“四融”平台进行设计与开发,来达到农民对简单便捷现代金融服务的需求。本文主要对现在金融、“三农”问题、平台开发过程、功能等进行了描述。本系统采用ASP+Access数据库进行设计,系统主要分为前台和后台两个部分。前台主要包括注册、基础信息查询、贷款申请、商城购物等模块;后台主要对商品进行添加修改的商品信息管理模块、查询交易的交易信息管理、用户管理等模块。43799
The Research and Design of Agricultural Bank of China "four financial" service platform
Abstract: With the development of Internet Finance, the demand for banking services platform is also improving. Agricultural Bank of China for the "Three Rural Issues" developed "four financial" platform is not only a good solution to the problem of farmers is not convenient bank base business, but also to adapt to the current trends. The Agricultural Bank of China "four financial " research and design platform to meet farmers' needs for simple and convenient modern financial services. This paper focuses on current financial "three rural" issue, platform development, function, etc. are described. The system uses ASP + Access database design, the system is pided into two parts front and back office. Reception includes registration, basic information inquiries, loan applications, shopping mall and other modules; Background mainly to add modified goods commodity information management module, query transaction of information management, user management module, etc.
Keywords: service platform; ASP;ACCESS Database; “Four financial”
目 录
一、绪论 1
(一)课题研究的背景 1
1. “三农”问题的广泛关注 1
2. 互联网金融的发展 1
(二) 课题研究的现状和发展趋势 1
1. 课题研究的现状 1
2. 课题研究的发展趋势 2
(三)课题研究的目的和意义 3
二、系统开发技术介绍 4
(一) 系统开发语言介绍 4
1. ASP语言介绍 4
2. HTML介绍 4
3. JavaScript介绍 4
(二) 系统开发工具介绍 5
1. Dreamweaver 5
2. ACCESS数据库 5
3. ADO数据库 5
三、系统分析 6
(一)可行性分析 6
1. 课题的可行性分析 6
2. 技术可行性分析 6
3. 操作可行性分析 6
(二)系统功能需求分析 6
1. 总体设计 asp+access农行“四融”服务平台的设计与开发:http://www.751com.cn/jisuanji/lunwen_44819.html