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时间:2017-04-25 19:25来源:毕业论文

摘要:随着高等教育的教学规模的不断扩大,现在越来越多的高等院校正在使用教学管理系统。并且随着学生数量的不断增加,评教的规模也会越来越大。之后便会产生越来越多的评教数据和学生成绩。这个积累了和产生了大量的学生成绩和教师评分成绩的教学管理中隐藏着什么样的关系呢。在本论文中发现激增的数据背后隐藏着许多重要的信息。我们发现教师评价成绩与教师的职称之间存在关联等。如何确保教育质量成为人们日益关注的问题。通常高校采用信息系统通过学生们的评分来反映教学效果。但是教学管理系统缺少综合分析和辅助决策的能力。本文探讨了数据挖掘技术在教学管理中的应用,介绍了SQL数据分析系统,SPSS系统分析了学生成绩与教师被评分的成绩,还有教师的学院类型等等之间的隐藏关系。对教学管理系统中的教务信息数据进行分析与挖掘,获取有利于教学活动开展的信息,利用挖掘结果辅助教学决策,为教学质量的提高和教师及学生素质的提高提供数据支持。这些信息对提高教学质量,更好实施人才培养方案,掌握学生的技能培养以及教师教学情况,在专业建设、课程建设。师资培养等方面无疑具有重要的指导意义。关键词:数据挖掘   关联规则  教学评价7660
The research of the teaching management system  based on the data mining technology
Abstract:In recent years, with the rapid development of information technology. We have achieve tremendous progress in many fields .At the same time, There have created a lot of data and in the university there also have a large number of data about student’s score and teacher’s rating results. There are many important information behind the fast development of the data. But most of the information system in the university is online transaction processing system.It does not have comprehensive analysis and decision support capabilities. Which makes the teacher can not get the information about the class teach. And the college is also lack of the data for decision-making basis.
Teaching management data business analysis is an important means to improve the teaching quality of management, In this paper we use data mining technology to find the helpful information hidden in the data about student’s score and teacher’s rating results.To improvement the teaching quality .Supporting to find the way to improve the teacher and student’s quality.
This paper discuss the application of data mining techniques in teaching management. focusing on it’s score and teacher’s rating results , as well as the hidden relationship between the teachers college type of mining association factor. It will bring as many helpful information about the in the professional building, course construction. teacher training. It’s also an important guiding significance
Keywords :Data mining  Association rules  Teaching Evaluation  
目  录
1、 关联规则挖掘概述6
2、 关联规则的基本概念6
3、 Apriori算法9
(一) 研究背景及意义
    以数据库和信息技术的发展为技术保障,以网络技术的迅速普及为发展通道,以计算机硬件数据收集设备和存储介质的大量供应为物质基础,人们的数据收集能力得到了大幅的提高,社会各行业都存储了大量的有关自己的生产管理和科研的各种信息,全球范围内数据存储量正急剧增加。然而与此形成鲜明对比的是,人们对数据的处理能力和理解能力并没有得到十分明显的提高,仅仅依靠传统的数据检索和统计分析等方法己远远不能满足现在的需要,导致现在出现数据丰富,知识贫乏的局面,为从海量的数据中找出数据变化的规律和数据之间的相互关系,充分发掘数据的潜力和效用。 数据挖掘在教学评价中的应用研究:http://www.751com.cn/jisuanji/lunwen_5694.html