The design and implementation of micro Curriculum in data structure
Abstract With the development of the video open class, MOOC(Massive Open Online Course), fragmentation learning, personalized learning and other teaching models, the domestic market has set off a craze for the exploration of micro teaching mode in recent two years. Micro course is characterized as short and pithy.Compared with traditional teaching methods, micro course has disadvantages in some respects but many advantages. This paper describes the concept, characteristics and development of micro curriculum, and taking data structure as an example, research on curriculum design and implementation, Analysis on the applicability of data structure in the course of micro Curriculum, and then give out the framework of data structure micro curriculum. This paper makes a detailed analysis and elaboration on the process of micro curriculum design and production, and puts forward suggestions on the development of micro teaching in the end.
Key words: Micro curriculum; fragmentation learning; data structure; autonomous learning; mobile terminal
0 引言 1
1微课程概述 1
1.1微课程概念梳理 1
1.2微课程特点 2
1.3微课程分类 3
1.4微课程发展概况 5
1.4.1国外微课程发展 5
1.4.2国内微课程发展 6
1.5微课程应用定位 6
2微课程设计与制作 7
2.1微课程设计原则 7
2.2微课程制作流程 9
2.3制作方法以及工具简介 12
3.1《数据结构》课程特点 14
3.2课程知识点分布 14
3.3微课程适用性分析 15
4微课程实现 18
4.1目标知识点描述 18
4.2教学设计与制作流程 18
4.3教学效果分析与评价 22
5开展微课程教学的建议 24
结 论 26
致 谢 27
参考文献 28
0 引言
网络时代,手机等便携网络工具发展迅猛,在线化学习已经成为21世纪教育的重要话题,碎片化学习和微型化学习有助于学生更好的利用学习时间,传统教育有不少缺点,基于网络的微课程应运而生。以短小精悍、效率高、模式新颖为特点,微课程成为重要的学习资源。 《数据结构》微课程设计与实现:http://www.751com.cn/jisuanji/lunwen_68494.html