毕业论文关键词:Android系统; 围棋游戏; 智能手机
Abstract:With the rapid development of smartphone operating system,the mobile phone has been used more widely than ever before,indicating a brilliant prospect for the software development based on the smart operating system. Android, due to its outstanding advantages such as open source platform,easy operation and powerful functions,has been becoming the most prevalent operating system. On the basis of discussing and analysis of Android application development technology principle ,the Game Go software was developed. This paper firstly gave a brief introduction of the background and present situation of the Game Go based on Android system. After that, the framework and technical platform of Android system were discussed, which is the main method used in software development. Afterwards, We made a rough design of the system structure. Finally, We showed the details of implementation,and made a comprehensive verification of the system to make sure it working well.
Keywords: Android system; Game Go; smartphones
1 绪论 7
1.1 围棋的研究背景 7
1.2 围棋的当前研究现状 7
2 Android系统的架构与开发环境 8
2.1 Android操作系统简介 8
2.1.1 Android操作系统背景 8
2.1.2 Android系统的优势与弊端 8
2.2 Android的体系结构 9
2.3 Android的四大组件 10
2.4 Android开发环境的搭建 10
2.4.1 Java JDK的安装 10
2.4.2 eclipse的下载与使用 11
2.4.3 Android开发工具的安装 11
2.4.4 Android工程的建立 11
3 系统分析 12
3.1概述 12
3.1.1系统分析的原则 12
3.1.2 系统分析的方法 13
3.2 系统可行性分析 13
3.3 围棋游戏规则分析 14
3.4 系统功能模块需求 14
4 系统设计 14
4.1 系统设计原则 14
4.2 系统流程设计 15
4.3 系统功能模块设计 16
4.4文件结构设计 17
5 系统编码实现 19
5.1闪屏界面实现 19
5.2 棋谱绘制以及打谱提示功能实现 21
5.3 游戏倒计时功能实现 24
5.4 背景音乐设置功能实现 26
5.5 帮助界面功能实现 27
5.6 结束以及判断胜负功能实现 29
5.7 前一步/后一步功能实现 32
6 系统测试与分析 34
6.1 软件测试的重要性 34
6.2 软件测试的目的 35
6.3测试用例 35
结论 37
参考文献 38
致 谢 39