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时间:2021-05-09 21:11来源:毕业论文
使用ASP.NET技术创建Web服务来实现对学校新闻的发布、管理和记录。ASP.NET是一个已编译的、基于.NET的开发环境、基于 .NET Framework 生成的新一代Web应用程序开发平台。它提供了生成企业级


本文使用ASP.NET技术创建Web服务来实现对学校新闻的发布、管理和记录。ASP.NET是一个已编译的、基于.NET的开发环境、基于 .NET Framework 生成的新一代Web应用程序开发平台。它提供了生成企业级应用程序所必需的全部服务,它的整个框架都可以被用到 ASP.NET 所有的应用程序。与公共语言运行库(CLR)相兼容的任何语言(包括 Visual Basic.NET、C# 和 JScript .NET)都可以被用来创建应用程序。本系统采用ASP.NET和ADO.NET技术来开发, 实现了一般校园新闻系统所应具有的功能;并完成了动态管理校园新闻的友好需求,使得管理员对新闻信息的管理更加及时、高效,使得工作效率得到大大提高。校园新闻发布系统由前、后台系统组成;前台供给用户浏览新闻等操作使用,后台供给管理员对新闻管理所使用。前后台的结合使用能够为学校的新闻发布和管理提供方便、快捷的服务。

毕业论文关键词:校园新闻系统, ASP.NET,ADO.NET

Abstract:Campus news information reading to the contemporary student understood the school the news and dynamic is indispensable, but to the school superintendent also is very important.The campus news net then can meet this need, the student can convenient, prompt, the quick browsing school news and the tendency, has also provided enormous convenient to the school supervisory work.

This article uses ASP.NET technology to create Web services to achieve the school news release, management and record. ASP.NET is a compiled, based on the.NET development environment, based on.NET Framework generated a new generation of Web application development platform. It provides all the services needed to build enterprise class application framework, it can be used in the application of all ASP.NET. With the common language runtime (CLR) any language compatible (including Visual Basic.NET, C#.NET and JScript) can be used to create applications. This system uses ASP.NET and ADO.NET technology to develop, should have realized the general campus news system, and completed the friendly demand dynamic management of campus news, the administrator of the news information management more timely, efficient, the work efficiency is greatly improved; the campus news publishing system by the former, the background system. the front desk supply to the users browse news operation;backstage administrator supply used in news management;combined with a can provide convenient.fast service for the school's press release and management.

Keywords:Campus news management system,  ASP.NET, ADO.NET 

目  录

引言 5

1 研究背景 5

1.1项目背景 5

1.2研究意义 6

2 课题分析 6

2.1需求分析 6

2.2系统可行性分析 7

3 系统结构流程 7

3.1新闻系统模型结构 7

3.2新闻系统功能模块 8

4 数据库设计 8

4.1数据库设计步骤 8

4.2数据库E-R图 10

4.3数据库逻辑设计 12
