摘 要针对测量任务中大量、复杂的分析计算工作,为了提高工作效率和数据解算质量,通过采用Visual Basic编辑测量计算程序,实现角度弧度互化、坐标正算、坐标反算、三角高程测量、前方交会、后方交会、测边交会、附合导线测量、闭合导线测量计算与成果平差的自动化。设计程序可以将观测数据录入文本文件,或者直接读取文本文件中的数据,并且能够根据计算结果绘制导线草图。本文同时给出了程序详细的使用说明和算法设计思路,并且用算例验证了程序的可靠性和精确性。70359
毕业论文关键词:Visual Basic 测量程序 计算 绘制导线图
Design of Program for Survey Based on VB
Abstract Direct to large amount of measurement analysis and calculation work, in order to improve the efficiency of work and quality of solution, realizing the automation of calculating and balancing transformation of angle and radian ,direct solution of coordinate,inverse solution of coordinate,trigonometric leveling,forward intersection,resection,distance intersection and the surveys of the following-line or closed-line,by using the visual basic write measurement calculation program.The programming can write observation data to text file,or directly read data in a text file,and draw a preliminary sketch of line according to the result of calculation.This paper also gives an expatiation to use and the mentality of designing .A large number of examples are used to verify the reliability and accuracy of the program.
There are 33 figures, 7 tables and 14 references in this paper.
Key Words: Visual Basic measurement routine calculation draw traverse diagram
目 录
摘要 Ⅰ
Abstract Ⅱ
目录 Ⅲ
图清单- Ⅳ
表清单- Ⅴ
变量注释表- Ⅴ
1 绪论 1
1.2 采用VB语言的优点 2
1.3 基于VB测量程序设计的方法 2
2 程序介绍 4
2.1 主菜单界面分析 4
2.2 各功能窗体界面分析 5
3 窗体功能原理分析 7
3.1 日常测量计算 7
3.2 交会测量 13
3.3 导线测量 20
4 测量实例检核 29
4.1 日常测量计算 29
4.2 交会测量 32
4.3 导线测量 34
5 结论 38
参考文献 39
致谢 40
图序号 图名称 页码
图2-1 菜单编辑器的属性编辑 5
图3-1 “角度弧度互化”程序界面 8
图3-2 坐标正反算示意图 9
图3-3 “坐标正算”程序界面 基于VB测量程序设计:http://www.751com.cn/jisuanji/lunwen_79646.html