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时间:2020-02-29 11:31来源:毕业论文
In a cross-cultural communication perspective, translating Chinese culture-specific words through the method of transliteration and literal translation is most effective and productive, which allows smooth communication between China and Eng

In a cross-cultural communication perspective, translating Chinese culture-specific words through the method of transliteration and literal translation is most effective and productive, which allows smooth communication between China and English speaking countries or even the whole world and avoids misunderstanding because of lacking equivalence in different cultures.45697
1. Introduction
2.1 The definition of Chinese culture-specific words
Chinese culture-specific words are the words that contain cultural connotations such as Chinese tradition, religion, history and social landscape and reflect the nation’s attitude towards life and way of thinking and overall speaking, culture.
2.2 The characteristic of Chinese culture-specific words
2.2.1 Broad coverage
2.2.2 A strong feature of era
2.2.3 Typical cultural meaning
3. Cross-cultural communication perspective
Cross-cultural communication is a field of study that looks at how people from differing cultural backgrounds communicate, in similar and different ways among themselves, and how they endeavor to communicate across cultures. Intercultural communication is a related field of study.
4.1 Cultural vacancy and translation barrier
4.2 The necessity of adopting transliteration and literal translation
5. Transliteration
5.1 The definition of transliteration
Generally speaking, transliteration is the conversion of a text from one script to another.
5.2 The scope of usage of transliteration
5.2.1 Proper nouns
5.2.2 Folkloric words and words of cultural social life
5.2.3 Words of Chinese philosophical concept
5.2.4 The names of the Hundred Schools of Thought
5.2.5 Words from social life
6. Literal translation
6.1 The definition of literal translation
Literal translation is correct and must not be avoided, if it secures referential and
pragmatic relevance to the original.
6.2 The scope of usage of literal translation
6.2.1 Words from idioms and proverbs
6.2.2 Chinese historical characteristic words
6.2.3 Words from politics
7. Conclusion
The paper introduces Chinese culture-specific words and the importance of adopting transliteration and literal translation in cross cultural-communication. Following that, the paper points out the scope of words those are suitable by using transliteration and literal translation methods.
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