Study on the preservation effect of dilution,storage temperature and dilution factor on Lake sheep semen
Abstract:This paper focuses on the preservation of dilution, storage temperature, dilution of the three factors to explore the best scheme in Lake sheep semen cryopreservation.The semen was preheated 8 times, 15 times and 150 times diluted by Optidyl diluent and stored in 4degrees refrigerator. The best dilution times were determined by comparing the effect of preservation.Semen was diluted 8 times with preheated Optidyl solution and stored at 4 degrees, 8degrees, 12degrees, and the best preservation temperature was determined by comparing preservation effects.With 5 kinds of semen preheated dilute solution (A, B, C, D, E) of semen was diluted 8 times in 4 degrees refrigerator, compared to its preservation effect to filter out the best dilution formula.Research shows that the dilution of sheep semen dilution preservation should be controlled at 8 times, preservation temperature should be adjusting at 4 degrees. C group of semen dilution in this experiment, can made then semen have an effective survival at 4 degrees.
Keywords:Lake sheep semen ;Preservation effect ;Diluent;Storage temperature;Dilution factor
目 录
摘要: 3
关键词 3
Abstract: 3
Key words 3
引言 3
1材料和方法 4
1.1实验动物 4
1.2药品和仪器 4
1.3稀释液准备 4
1.4采精方法 4
1.5湖羊精液品质检查 4
1.5.1色泽和气 4
1.5.2射精量 5
1.5.3精子密度计算 5
1.5.4精子活力测定 5
1.6精液处理 5
1.6.1保存温度的筛选 5
1.6.2稀释倍数的筛选 5
1.6.3稀释液配方的筛选 5
1.7效果判定 5
1.5.2 产气数据分析与处理 5
2结果与分析 5
2.1不用保存温度对湖羊精液活力的影响 6
2.2不同稀释倍数对湖羊精液活力的影响 6
2.3 5种稀释液中湖羊精液的保存效果 7
3讨论 7
4结论 8
致谢 8
参考文献: 8
随着现代畜牧业的发展,为加快家畜良种化进程的要求,人工授精技术已被大力推广应用。精液稀释是羊人工授精的一个重要环节,鲜精经过稀释以后,可以扩大精液量,扩大授精母羊数量,提高良种公羊的利用率,在减少企业养殖公羊开支的同时为企业创造最大的价值。目前,在羊人工授精技术中冷配的效果远远比不上鲜配。如何正确高效地使用鲜精,将可以解决当地无优良品种公羊或种公羊不足问题。鲜精精子具有活力高、密度大、受胎率高等优点,但鲜精稀释后,在常温条件下有效存活期短,仅数小时就会失去其应用价值,而绵羊也比较特殊,冷冻的精液存在着解冻后活力差,受胎率低等不利因素。研究表明精液低温保存能延长期有效存活期,同时保证母羊的受胎率[1]。湖羊原产于太湖流域,以生长发育快、成熟早、四季发情、多胎高产著称[2]。本实验拟通过对不同温度下,湖羊精液的保存效果进行比较,筛选出最佳的保存温度;通过改变湖羊精液的稀释倍数,比较保存效果,筛选出最佳的稀释倍数;通过对不同稀释液保存效果进行比较,以筛选最佳的稀释液。 稀释液保存温度及稀释倍数对湖羊精液保存效果的探究:http://www.751com.cn/shengwu/lunwen_18861.html