Increasing temperature on rice grain filling stage the influence of zinc iron accumulation
Abstract: Rice is one of the important food crops in the world, most of the population to rice is the staple food in our country, in 2015 China's rice planting area of 113.34 million hectares, 621.435 million tons of production, the highest in the world [1], the sustained high yield and stable yield of rice plays an important role in national economic development. Mineral elements are necessary to maintain normal life activities of material, one of the human body for some major elements demand is bigger, the demand for the microelement such as iron, zinc is relatively small, but they are involved in protein, carbohydrates, lipids, nucleic acids and other metabolic activity, in the growth and development of rice plays an important role. Temperature is an important factor affecting rice nutrition, this research mainly explored under the condition of open warming, temperature of rice strong weak grain iron and zinc content changes and the effect of rice under the background of global warming, nutrition improvement. This study has two varieties, two temperatures, and four processing. The results show that the iron content of the weak grain is more sensitive to the temperature rise, and the trend of the grouting period varies according to the variety. Zinc content in the strong grain is not sensitive to temperature, and the weak grain of zinc content in the upward trend in the whole process of grouting, the change trend of two varieties are almost the same.
Key words:A warming climate;After the flowers;the open temperature increases;The content of the grains of grain;The grain content of zinc
目 录
Key words1
1.1供试材料 2
1.2实验地点 3
1.3实验处理 3
1.5指标测定方法 3
2.1增温效果 4
2.2强弱势粒铁含量 5
2.3强弱势粒锌含量 6
3讨论 8
4结论 9
引言:全球气候变暖已经成为不争的事实。IPCC评估报告显示,从1880年到2012年,全球地表平均温度大约升高了0.85℃;未来温室气体排放将会造成全球温度进一步升高,如果不实行减排模式,预计到本世纪末全球平均气温将增加2.6-4.8℃[2]。根据这一预测,全球气温将出现过去10,000年中从未有过的巨大变化,给全球环境带来潜在的重大影响[3]。气候变暖呈现出非对称性的趋势,即夜间温度上升幅度大于白天,气温日较差逐渐缩小[4]。通过对菲律宾地区多年的气温数据和产量数据进行分析发现夜温每上升1℃水稻产量会下降10%[5]。长江中下游流域作为我国水稻的主产区之一,夏季高温频发,已经成为制约该地区水稻高产稳产的关键因素。2003年安徽地区出现大面积高温,连续多日日均温度达到35℃以上,造成水稻严重减产,部分地区减产率甚至达到50%以上[6]。水稻生长发育不同时期对高温的敏感程度不同,其中穗分化期、开花期和灌浆结实期出现高温对水稻的伤害较大,易造成水稻穗粒数减少、颖花败育率增加,结实率和千粒重下降,最终导致水稻减产。除了产量下降,稻米的品质也会在高温下明显变差,突出的表现为当前整精米率下降、垩白大量发生,食性变差。灌浆结实期是水稻产量形成的关键时期,籽粒灌浆的水平直接决定了水稻千粒重和产量的高低。众多研究表明发现高温虽然在灌浆早期加快了水稻籽粒的灌浆速率,但不足以弥补灌浆期缩短的损失,造成高温逼熟的现象,导致千粒重下降。灌浆期高温对水稻产量的另一方面的影响是导致水稻籽粒千粒重下降。水稻在灌浆期对温度敏感程度仅次于开花期。灌浆结实期遭遇高温,导致稻株衰老加速,后期物质转运量降低,淀粉合成起始物质蔗糖供应量减少,导致水稻灌浆速率增加,表现为灌浆期缩短[7-8]。灌浆期水稻强、弱势粒之间由于粒位不同,会表现出不同的灌浆特性,强势粒灌浆速度快。充实度好而弱势粒灌浆速率慢,充实度差,最终会导致粒重和品质出现差异[9-11]。 灌浆期高温胁迫对水稻籽粒中铁锌积累及生理特性的影响:http://www.751com.cn/shengwu/lunwen_22863.html