BM represents the male blue head wrasse gonadal transcriptome, i.e. data GC and GC1; BF represents the female blue head wrasse gonadal transcriptome, i.e. data GX and GX1; NM represents the male nile tilapia gonadal transcriptome, i.e. data L180C and L30X; NF represents the female nile tilapia gonadal transcriptome, L180X and L30C (The following figure is the same).
4种性腺组织共表达25166个基因, 其中雌性性腺共表达25028个基因,雄性性腺共表达24624个基因,蓝头濑鱼性腺共表达2087个基因,尼罗罗非鱼性腺共表达25164个基因,4种性腺组织共同表达的基因有1371个。总体而言,雌性性腺表达的基因数目多于雄性性腺的基因数目,尼罗罗非鱼性腺表达的基因数目多于蓝头濑鱼性腺的基因数目 尼罗罗非鱼和蓝头濑鱼的性腺转录组差异表达分析(6):