Shen Liangyou862 Varieties and promotion methods
Abstract:Rice is a major food crop in the world, especially in Asia. China is the world's largest producer of rice, and rice is the largest producer of rice in the world. Of hybrid rice and promotion for the rise of the total output of per unit area yield and make a significant contribution, and the proportion is more and more big, the two high-yielding hybrid rice in hybrid rice deep two optimal 862 was bred by the deep 08 s with R5662 group of indica were new hybrid rice combination, the varieties, on the yield and quality traits such as disease and insect pest is obvious, but problems of heat resistance is not strong, this paper takes two high-yielding hybrid rice deep two optimal 862 varieties, for example, from the enterprise general situation, variety character, variety sales situation, advantages and disadvantages of enterprises, varieties such as the advantages and disadvantages in the Angle to conduct a comprehensive analysis of the current situation of the market of rice seed industry promotion strategy is put forward. And the product positioning is proposed to introduce the following varieties.
Key words: Hybrid rice; Shen Liangyou862 ;Characteristics of performance;promotiom
Key words3
2 明天种业及杂交水稻部概况5
2.1 公司概况5
2. 2 杂交水稻部概况5
2. 3 各品种推广情况5
3 深两优862品种概况6
3. 1 品种来源6
3. 2 品种农艺6
3. 3 品种抗性6
3. 4 区试产量6
3. 5 布点产量7
3. 6 品种米质7
3. 7 推广区域8
3. 8 品种销量8
4 营销环境及品种优势及劣势分析8
4. 1 品种优势8
4. 2 品种劣势8
4. 3 公司内部优势8
4. 4 公司内部劣势8
4. 5 外部环境优势9
4. 6 外部环境劣势9
5 品种推广对策分析9
5. 1 品种定位9
5. 2 目标市场调整10
5.3 立体宣传模式10
5. 4 代理商的调整及增加10
5. 5 营销任务的落实10
5. 6 合理的销售管理10
5. 7 销售渠道管控10
5. 8 售后服务10
6 讨论与总结11
引言 目前我国是世界上最大的水稻生产国,水稻总产量居于世界首位[1]。中国作为第一个认真研究水稻杂种优势的国家目前在这一领域居领导者的地位[2]。随后印度、印度尼西亚、韩国、马来西亚、菲律宾、泰国、越南、孟加拉国和美国也陆续开始研究杂交稻技术[3]。中国杂交稻发展始于袁隆平在1964年发现的水稻不育株,从此打开了杂交稻发展的大门[10]。1975年杂交稻在中国各地区开始试种,次年开始大面积推广。回顾中国杂交稻历史主要经历了1976-1979年的快速增长期,1980-1981的徘徊期,1982-1994的新的发展期,1995年至今的逐渐下滑期。1976-2013年,中国杂交水稻推广总面积达5.3162亿hm2,为中国的粮食安全做出了重要贡献,在这其间,中国杂交稻还作为中国的名片走出国门,为保障世界的粮食问题做出了重要的贡献。 深两优862品种表现及推广方法:http://www.751com.cn/shengwu/lunwen_36029.html