A Study on the Growth of Yunlong Lake Cuckoo Nestlings
Abstract: From June 1st to July 10th ,I measured the growth and development index of the cuckoo nestlings which habitats in Xuzhou Yunlong Lake.The cuckoo nestling growth indicators includes weight and seven other external organs such as body length, wing length ,crack peak, mouth, mouth, longest toe, long claws and plantar length. This article mainly used data analysis software such as Excel, to process the measurement data by adding the trend line, lining chart, using Logistic equation by means of data processing, and analyzed the relationship between the growth and development index and the growth of the age. Results show that the cuckoo chick body weight, body length, wing length ,crack peak, mouth, mouth, longest toe, long claws and plantar length grows fast in the early stages of growth and the maximum growth rate of time appears early in the growth of day age.What’s more, the maximum growth rate of the peak, mouth, mouth crack length and the longest toe appears earlier than the other four.
Key words: Cuckoo; Growth and development day; The external organ; Growth rate
引言 3
1.材料与方法 4
1.1研究用具 4
1.2研究过程与方法 4
2.结果与分析 5
2.1杜鹃鸟雏鸟的形态变化 5
2.2杜鹃鸟雏鸟的体重、体长等外部器官的生长期情况 6
2.3Logistic方程的拟合 8
2.4讨论 8
3.保护建议 9
3.1适量控制云龙湖游客的活动范围 9
3.2纠正思想观,顺应自然规律 9
3.3旅游开发让位生态还原 9
4.致谢 9
杜鹃鸟(Cuckoo), 鸟纲,鹃形目,杜鹃科,杜鹃属,其包括大杜鹃(即布谷鸟)、四声杜鹃、八声杜鹃、中杜鹃、小杜鹃、鹰鹃等。本次研究的对象主要是杜鹃鸟中的大杜鹃(Cuculus canorus),其属于托卵寄生性杜鹃,在每年的繁殖季节将自己的蛋产在别的鸟类的巢里,而且出壳时间一般较早,只要其一出壳,就把其它的鸟蛋推出鸟巢,并由养父母喂大。其体型较大,外披褐色羽毛并伴有黑色斑点,嘴呈橘红色,张嘴啼叫不停,有“杜鹃啼血”的传说。杜鹃的孵化期较期寄生的鸟类来说较短,所以一般它可以先同窝中其他鸟破壳而出,继而将其他未孵化的鸟蛋推出巢,自己一人独享鸟爸爸、鸟妈妈的哺育的美食。但即便如此,杜鹃还是吃害虫的益鸟,并且在文持生态平衡方面有着不可或缺的作用。本次研究主要是为以后关于杜鹃鸟的保护提供一些数据支持。
云龙湖位于历史文化名城——徐州市云龙湖风景区,原名“簸箕洼”,其东依云龙山,西靠韩山、天齐山,南偎泉山、珠山,三面环山,一面临城。云龙湖原水面5.8平方公里,陆地5.6平方公里。以湖中路为界,东湖周长约8.1公里,西湖长约7公里,全湖周长约12公里。若包括上小南湖景区(总面积1.661平方公里,其中水域面积0.962平方公里),云龙湖水面面积已达到6.76平方公里,陆地面积6.3平方公里。属暖温带湿润和半湿润季风气候,四季分明,具有春温秋暖,冬寒夏热的特点,年平均气温14.5度,年最高气温大于或等于30度的天数为59天,年日照时数为2280-2440小时,年无霜期约为210天,年降水量在802.4 mm左右。有着适合鸟类栖息和繁殖的优良环境。 云龙湖大杜鹃雏鸟生长发育规律的研究:http://www.751com.cn/shengwu/lunwen_36234.html