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时间:2019-08-04 12:05来源:毕业论文

The Fragaria Χ ananassa Duch. ‘Benihoppe’ strawberry seed (achene) development anatomical structure observation
Abstract: The material used for this experiment is the Fragaria Χ ananassa Duch‘Benihoppe’strawberry,after the pollination in the field, the seeds(achene) of different periods were prepared and the paraffin sections were made to observe the development process of strawberry embryo and endosperm.The results are as follows: the development type of the embryo is the purple garden, which like most dicotyledons, successively passed: zygote→the embryo of two cells(9 days after pollination)→ globular embryo(12 days after pollination)→ the blastocyte of the heart(15 days after pollination)→the torpedo shaped embryo(18 days after pollination) →the mature embryos(21 days after pollination).The endosperm development process is: the newly born endosperm nucleus(6 days after pollination) → free endosperm nuclei(15 days after pollination) → endosperm cells(18 days after pollination) → endosperm absorbed by the embryo(21 days after pollination).At the same time, the length of the vertical diameter of strawberry fruit (edible part )and seed 3-6 days after pollination,the diameter of the length increases fastest and in the 9-12 days after pollination, the diameter of the length increases fastest.
Key words: strawberry;embryo;The endosperm;Development research
目 录

摘要    1
关键词    1
Abstract    1
Key words    1
引言    1
1 材料与方法    2
1.1 所选草莓品种    2
1.2 石蜡切片的制作    2
1.2.1 取材与固定    2
1.2.2 漂洗与脱水    2
1.2.3 透明    2
1.2.4 浸蜡与包埋    3
1.2.5 切片、贴片以及脱蜡复水    3
1.2.6 番红染色、脱色与固绿染色、脱色    3
1.2.7 脱水、透明以及封片镜检    3
1.3 摄影及观察    3
1.4 数据处理    4
1.4.1 草莓果实、种子大小的测量    4
1.4.2 果实、种子大小的分析方法    4
2 结果与分析    4
2.1 胚的发育及果实种子大小的变化    4
2.2 胚乳的发育    4
3 讨论    6
致谢    7
参考文献:    7
引言:草莓(Fragaria × ananassa Duch.)原产于欧洲,其果实是由一朵花中多数离生雌蕊发育而成,每一个雌蕊都形成一个独立的小果,即瘦果(通常称之为种子),集生在膨大的花托上,属于聚合果[1]。其在20世纪初被引入我国,是蔷薇科草莓属的多年生草本植物,在果品的生产中具有着重要地位,营养价值相当丰富,因此人们将其誉为“水果皇后”含有丰富的文生素A、文生素C、文生素E、文生素B1、文生素PP、文生素B2、鞣酸、胡萝卜素、天冬氨酸、铜、草莓胺、纤文素、果胶、叶酸、钙、铁、花青素与鞣花酸等营养物质[2]。在聚合果中,其产量为世界首位,同时,在我国其栽培总面积和产量亦居世界首位[3]。具有适应能力强,生长周期短,开花结果快以及果实成熟较早等优点,其新果上市的时期正好是水果淡季,因此成为广大消费者喜爱的时令水果[4]。若采用大棚或日光温室种植,可以做到周年供应,发展前景广阔,具有很高的经济价值。 ‘红颊’草莓瘦果发育解剖结构观察:http://www.751com.cn/shengwu/lunwen_36893.html