毕业论文关键词: 校园植物;氮;磷;钾;养分
Investigation and Analysis on nutrient status of main plant leaves of campus
Abstract: For researching the plants’ growth status of Fengxian Campus, we selected ten kinds of main campus plants as the experimental object, and analyzed the differences of seasonal dynamics of leaf nitrogen (n) and phosphorus (P), potassium (k) content by a biological way. And then we can find the evaluation of the plant growth situation, in order to improve the campus plant growth and provide a theoretical basis. In this paper, I chose from three angles. Firstly, the angle is the content and the mean value of N, P and K content in different plants were studied and compared between different plants. Secondly, the average value of N, P, K and content in different plants was studied. Besides, the following conclusions were drew. Usually, the content and the mean value of N, P and K in spring is much more likely higher than which in winter.
Key words:nutrient ;soil ; nitrogen (N);phosphorus (P);potassium (k)
1前言 4
1.1研究目的与意义 5
1.2主要植物简介 5
2设计与研究方法 7
2.1 研究区概况 7
2.2 实验材料 7
2.3 实验方法 7
2.3.1 全N含量测定——靛酚蓝比色法 8
2.3.2 全P含量测定——钼锑抗比色法 8
2.3.3 全K含量测定——火焰光度计法 8
2.4 数据分析 9
3结果与分析 10
3.1不同植物叶片N、P、K含量 11
3.2同种植物不同生长时期的N、P、K含量 12
3.3不同植物间N、P、K含量的平均值差异 13
4讨论 14
5结论 14
6致谢 15
7参考文献 16
绿叶的养分浓度在一定的程度上反映了土壤的养分的供应能力(Aerts & Chapin, 2000),就是该植物叶片它吸取养分的多少受到了土壤养分供应的能力的影响。当土壤具有较高的养分能力时,它的叶片中氮(N)和磷(P)浓度也相对比较得高,它反映出了植物的“奢侈摄取” (Luxury uptake) (Tripler et al., 2002);然而当土壤养分能力比较弱的时候,该植物的叶片养分浓度也相对得比较低,因此植物就借由此来延长它对养分的使用,从而增加其养分的利用效率,所以说是让植物能够适应贫瘠生境的有效策略之一(Aerts, 1996)。(
凋落的叶片氮N、磷P、钾K的含量都发生了营养的转移变化,不同元素的养分回流率都不尽相同。凋落叶的养分浓度变化与活叶一致,活叶浓度高,相对应的凋落叶的浓度也高;凋落的叶片的养分回流率受到了季节的影响,春、秋两季的同一种元素的回流率不一致,秋季的氮、磷、钾元素的养分回流率都要比春季的高;凋落的叶片的养分回流率受到了地理环境条件的影响,不同地点的养分回流率存在着非常明显的差异姓。(陆瑾,2006) 主要校园植物叶片养分状况调查分析:http://www.751com.cn/shengwu/lunwen_41668.html