摘 要夏南牛是中国培育的第一个肉牛新品种,其育种效果受到广泛的关注。本次研究采用PCR扩增技术,微卫星标记技术来探究夏南牛与13个地方黄牛群体(秦川牛、郏县牛、蒙古牛、草原红牛、安格斯牛、恩施黄牛、早胜牛、荷斯坦牛、南阳牛、德南牛、日本和牛、夏洛来牛和西门塔尔牛)共179个个体的亲缘关系,由此可继续研究夏南牛的引种适应性。根据聚丙烯酰氨凝胶电泳带型,统计基因型,用Popgene软件计算其遗传距离进行遗传作图分析黄牛间的亲缘关系,基于Kimura-2模型采用NJ法构建系统发育树。结果表明南阳牛、夏南牛、夏洛来牛、西门塔尔牛、德南牛和恩施牛6种黄牛亲缘关系较近,蒙古牛、草原红牛、早胜红牛、安格斯牛和日本和牛5种黄牛亲缘关系较近,荷斯坦牛、秦川牛和郏县牛3种黄牛亲缘关系较近。本次实验从分子水平上分析了夏南牛与其他黄牛的亲缘关系,为夏南牛遗传资源的保护、合理利用和选育改良提供参考资料,并为夏南牛今后的推广工作奠定了分子遗传学基础。41922
Genetic relationship analysis between Xia-nan cattle and Chinese local yellow cattle
Xia-nan cattle is the first beef cattle in China, its breeding effect has been paid more and more attention. In this study, Xianan cattle population and 13 other groups, including Jiaxian cattle, Qinchuan cattle, Japanese black cattle, De south of cattle, Mongolian cattle, Nanyang cattle, Angus cattle, Chinese red cattle, Enshi yellow cattle, Zaosheng cattle, Holstein cattle, Charolais and Simmental cattle, which contians 179 inpiduals, were used for genetic relationship, by using PCR and microsatellite DNA methods. Their genetic relationship can be used to explain the introduction adaptability of Xia-nan cattle. Do some statistical analysis in genotypes, according to types of polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Calculate the genetic distance with Popgene software in order to analyse genetic relationships among cattles. Phylogenetic tree based on Kimura-2 model was constructed using the NJ method. Results indicate that Nanyang cattle, Xianan cattle, Charolais, Simmental cattle, De south of cattle and Enshi yellow cattle share close genetic relationship while the other five yellow cattles including Mongolian cattle, Chinese red cattle, Zaosheng cattle, Angus cattle and Japanese black cattle in relationship are near. Holstein cattle, Qinchuan cattle and Jiaxian cattle have a rather close consanguinity at molecular level. The experiment provided the reference data for genetic resources protection, rational utilization and breeding improvement andlaid the foundation of molecular genetics.for the future promotion of Xia-nan cattle.
Key words:Xia-nan cattlemicrosatellite DNAChinese cattlegenetic relationship
摘要 Ⅰ
目录 Ⅲ
图清单 Ⅳ
表清单 Ⅴ
1 绪论 4
1 材料与方法 7
1.1 实验材料 7
1.2 实验试剂 7
1.3仪器设备 8
1.4微卫星DNA标记引物 9
1.5实验步骤 10
2 实验结果及分析 13
2.1 DNA检测 13
2.2 PCR产物的检测 13
2.3 14个微卫星位点的聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳图 14
2.4 14个牛品种的遗传距离 夏南牛与中国地方黄牛的亲缘关系分析:http://www.751com.cn/shengwu/lunwen_42168.html