Effects of Organic Manure Application on Heavy Metals in the Soil
Abstract: Amino acid liquid organic fertilizer is a new kind of fertilizer, which is is better in environmental protection and high efficiency. It can can be used to fix the heavy metals by adsorption, chelation, complexation etc. It has been applied to research the effect of organic fertilizer on soil, that polluted by heavy metals. In this paper, through various concentrations and different number of days, we can learn how the organic fertilizer influence calcium chloride extraction of heavy metals in the soil. It works out, that the amino acid liquid organic fertilizer can remarkably increase the calcium chloride extraction of elements like zinc and copper, by changing the biological effectiveness of metals in the soil. Compared with pure water control group, It can efficiently promote the growth of crops and provide more nutrients, cause it contains a variety of chemical elements and abundant vitamins. What’s more, it is able to change the physical and chemical properties of soil, increasing the organic matter in soil and reduce the bioavailability of heavy metals in soil.
Key words: organic fertilizer, heavy metal, extract, effective state.
摘要 1
关键词 1
引言 1
1 材料与方法 2
1.1 供试材料 2
1.2 试验设计 3
1.2.1氨基酸液态有机肥在土壤中的溶解效果分析 3
1.2.2氨基酸液态有机肥对小麦的影响 3
1.3 分析方法 3
1.3.1 氯化钙提取态重金属含量 3
1.3.2 叶绿素含量的测定 3
1.3.3丙二醛含量的测定 4
1.4 数据处理 4
2 结果与分析 4
2.1 氨基酸液态有机肥对小麦株高、叶片及根部干鲜重的影响 4
2.2氨基酸液态有机肥对小麦叶绿素、丙二醛及可溶性蛋白含量的影响 5
2.3氨基酸液态有机肥对土壤中重金属含量的影响 5
2.3.1.氨基酸液态有机肥对栖霞山土壤中锌含量的影响 5
2.3.2.氨基酸液态有机肥对栖霞山土壤中铅含量的影响 6
2.3.3.氨基酸液态有机肥对汤山土壤中锌含量的影响 6
2.3.4.氨基酸液态有机肥对汤山土壤中铜含量的影响 7
2.3.5.氨基酸液态有机肥对汕头土壤中砷含量的影响 7
3讨论 8
致谢 8
随着文明的发展与科技的进步,有机肥的种类日益繁多,生态系统的平衡也得到越来越多的重视。化肥在一定程度上能提高作物的产量与品质,但同时不可避免地带来污染。本文通过施加一种环保、高效的新型氨基酸液态有机肥,研究其对重金属污染缓解的机制。有机肥的施用对于土壤重金属的影响是复杂多变的,土壤的性质、化肥本身所含成分、作物类别等都是关键因素,更多机制有待进一步的研究。面对当下较为严峻的土壤重金属污染问题,肥料的改进刻不容缓。氨基酸液态肥这类新型有机肥几乎不会带来污染,修复已污染的土壤,还对于作物的生长发育有很好的促进作用,尤其还能提高产物品质,一举多得。今后的有机肥将向着无污染、无公害、高效益的方向进一步发展,以便更好地修复已造成的各种土壤污染。 氨基酸液态有机肥对小麦生长及土壤中重金属含量的影响:http://www.751com.cn/shengwu/lunwen_51033.html