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时间:2020-12-31 17:01来源:毕业论文


Many studies have focused on how clonal plants improve their ability to adapt stressful environments through clonal integration. But there was little study that tested whether the clonal integration would help plants to resist allelopathy of other plants. To examine the response of clonal integration to plant allelopathy, we performed a greenhouse experiment using stoloniferous clonal herb (Duchesnea indica Focke) as the recipient plant subjected to aqueous extracts from invasive plant (Solidago canadensis L.). Ramets of Duchesnea were assigned to the following treatments: M/D+ (cut stolons, daughter ramets added extracts), M/D- (cut stolons, daughter ramets added water),M-D+ (retain stolons, daughter ramets added extracts),M-D- (retain stolons, daughter ramets added water). The study found that both of the integration and allelopathy had no significant effects on ramets while the interaction did in the number of leaves, stolon length, leaf area and root length. Results shown that clonal integration help ramets resist allelopathy through a complex mechanism but not only reduce the inhibition from allelopathy simply. Further study should be able to take to reveal the profound relationships.


Keyword: allelopathy; clonal integration; Duchesnea indica; interaction; Solidago canadensis

封面 1

摘要 2

目录 3

引言 4

1 材料与方法 4

1.1  实验材料 4

1.2  测量方法 5

1.2.1 实验设计与实验处理 5

1.2.2 MDA测定方法 6

1.2.2 抗氧化酶活性的测定方法 6

1.3  数据统计与分析 7

2 结果与分析 8

2.1  酶活性 8

2.2  形态指标 8

2.3  生物量与生物量分配 9

3 讨论 10

3.1  加拿大一枝黄花的化感物质对蛇莓生长情况的影响 10

3.2  蛇莓的克隆整合作用对化感物质的响应 10

3.3  蛇莓子株与母株的差异 10

参考文献 12

致谢 13


化感作用,被认为是植物通过向环境释放化学物质,而对周围植物(包括微生物)产生间接或直接的有害或有利的作用[1]。IAS[6]认为化感作用即由植物、藻类、细菌和真菌所分泌的次生代谢物对生物系统的生长发育产生影响的一切过程[2]。植物体的化感物质大部分是次生代谢物,植物通过挥发、淋溶、分解和根部分泌的形式,向环境体释放化感物质。化感物质在植物提高自身保护和生存竞争能力同时、也在协调与环境关系上充当重要的角色[3]。由此可见,某一类植物体的化感物质有一定可能对其他植物产生相当的影响。新武器假说的提出者[7]认为,外来入侵植物分泌的化感物质对原生地植物作用不明显,而对入侵地植物生长抑制作用更强,提高了外来入侵种的竞争性。Callaway[8]指出了化感作用是入侵植物成功定居的一个重要因素。植物化感作用研究的指标众多,其中最常见的是种子萌发率、形态指标,而生化指标和生物量指标则较为少见。 克隆整合对植物化感作用的响应:http://www.751com.cn/shengwu/lunwen_67402.html
