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时间:2019-01-28 21:30来源:毕业论文

摘要:微生物天然产物中包含的成分复杂,个别达到几十种甚至上百种,有的产物具有独特的结构多样性,应用范围广,在环保,医疗,农业等方面具有广阔的应用前景。本实验所用的菌株来自于实验室云南文库筛选得到的一株白色链霉菌YN-907,属于放线菌目的革兰阳性细菌。链霉菌属微生物能合成结构多样的次级代谢产物,多种天然物质存在于其发酵液中,是微生物天然产物探索领域的宝库。本实验通过摇床培养法,大孔吸附树脂法和高效液相色谱法的联合使用,对实验室筛选所得的云南三号库白色链球菌经摇床培养所得的天然产物进行了分离纯化及结构分析。 33196
Isolation, purification and structure analysis of natural products from microorganisms
Abstract: Microbial natural products contain complex composition and reach dozens of or even hundreds of inpidual, has a unique structure of the existing persity and wide range of application, environmental protection, health care, agriculture and other areas has broad application prospects. Strains used in this experiment from the laboratory of Yunnan library screening from a strain of Streptomyces Albus YN-907 belonging to Gram positive bacteria Actinomycetes purposes. Streptomyces secondary metabolites of microorganisms can synthesize perse structure, its broth containing a variety of natural materials, is a treasure trove of microbial natural products research field. Through this experiment, shaking culture method with macroporous adsorption resin and joint use of high performance liquid chromatography, laboratory Yunnan Streptococcus third, white filtered by shaking culture derived from natural products for the purification and structure analysis.
Key words: streptomyces ; natural substances;purification
目  录
摘要    3
Abstract:    3
引言    3
1 材料与方法    4
1.1实验材料    4
1.1.1试剂    4
1.1.2菌株    4
1.1.3仪器设备    4
1.2实验方法    4
1.2.1培养基的配置    4
1.2.2 液体发酵    4
1.2.3 硅胶柱分离纯化    4
1.2.4 液相色谱分析    5
1.2.5 液相色谱分离纯化    5
1.2.6 YN-907样品结构鉴定    6
2 结果与分析    6
      2.1  YN-907发酵粗提物液相结果    6
      2.2 硅胶柱分离纯化    7
      2.3 液相色谱分离纯化    8
      2.4 YN-907样品结构鉴定    9
3 讨论    9
      3.1培养基的配置问题    9
      3.2液体发酵问题    9
      3.3硅胶柱分离纯化问题    10
      3.4液相色谱分析问题    10
      3.5 总结与展望    10
致谢    10
参考文献    11
微生物作为天然生物活性物质的重要来源之一,其发酵液中含有产物在结构、活性上多种多样,这些多样性导致每种产物的特性有极大地不同。微生物天然产物研究是一个富有活力和重要的研究课题,它与生物学、农艺学,药物学学科联系紧密。其成果在医疗、食品化学合成等领域有广泛应用。 微生物天然产物的分离纯化与结构分析:http://www.751com.cn/shiping/lunwen_30143.html