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时间:2020-03-26 12:50来源:毕业论文

摘要:本文以吸光度和抗氧化活性为考察指标,研究了小果黑枸杞色素的提取工艺条件以及黑枸杞色素的稳定性,并以感官评分为考察指标制备了黑枸杞饮料。研究结果表明:黑枸杞色素的最佳提取工艺是料液比1:100, pH值为5.50, 在50℃下提取60min。温度升高、光照增强与苯甲酸钠添加均不利于提高黑枸杞色素的稳定性;蔗糖、Vc添加与pH值为5.20有利于黑枸杞色素的稳定;Fe3+、Cu2+会破坏色素的稳定性,而Na+,Mg2+对溶液的稳定性影响不大。在100mL溶液中添加7%的蔗糖、3%的天然柠檬汁及0.04%的Vc可获得色香质俱佳的黑枸杞饮料。47053


Black medlar pigment stability research

and its beverage preparation

Abstract: Based on the absorbance and antioxidant activity as examining index, the small fruit black medlar pigment extraction process conditions and the stability of the pigment black Chinese wolfberry, and sensory score as examining index black Chinese wolfberry beverage was prepared.The research results show that the black is the best extraction process of medlar pigment material liquid than 1:100, pH value of 5.50, 50 ℃ extraction for 60 min.Temperature, illumination enhancement and sodium benzoate added are not conducive to improve the stability of the black medlar pigment;Cane sugar, Vc added with pH value of 5.20 for black medlar pigment stability;Fe3 +, Cu2 + can destroy the stability of the pigment, and Na+,Mg 2 + has little influence on the stability of the solution.In 100 ml solution adding 7% sugar, 3% natural lemon juice and 0.04% Vc delicate aroma quality black Chinese wolfberry drink can be obtained.

Key words: black medlar pigment, Extraction process, Stability, drinks

目  录

1.绪论 1

1.1 本课题国内外研究现状 1

1.1.1黑枸杞 1

1.1.2黑枸杞的营养价值 1

1.1.3食用天然色素 2

1.2食用天然色素提取方法 2

1.2.1有机溶剂提取法 2

1.2.2碱提取 2

1.2.3超临界C02流体萃取法 2

1.2.4微波萃取法 3

1.2.5 水提法 3

1.3食用天然色素提取工艺的研究 3

1.4食用天然色素稳定性的研究 4

1.5本课题的研究目的和意义 4

2.材料与方法 5

2.1 实验材料 5

2.2 实验仪器与设备 5

2.3 实验方法 6

2.3.1黑枸杞的预处理 6

2.3.2黑枸杞水分含量和灰分含量的测定 6

2.3.3黑枸杞色素提取工艺条件研究 6 提取料液比对黑枸杞色素提取效果的影响 6 提取液的pH对黑枸杞色素提取效果的影响 6 提取温度对黑枸杞色素提取效果的影响 6 提取时间对黑枸杞色素提取效果的影响 6

2.3.4 黑枸杞色素提取效果的测定 黑枸杞色素的稳定性研究及其饮料的制备:http://www.751com.cn/shiping/lunwen_48981.html
