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时间:2020-04-29 21:22来源:毕业论文

摘要:本实验以圣女果、山楂、金桔为实验材料,在常温下研究特定波长的红蓝光及自然光对其贮藏品质和采后生理的影响规律。结果表明:①贮藏品质:经蓝光处理的金桔失重率最高为5.1%;经红、蓝光处理的山楂好果率最低为66.7%;经红光处理的圣女果可溶性固形物含量最低为5%;是经红光处理的金桔总酚含量最高,在695nm处测得相应的OD值为0.847;经红光处理的山楂总黄酮含量最高,在510nm处测得相应的OD值为0.502;经红光处理的山楂叶绿素和类胡萝卜素含量最高分别为2.7mg/kg和1.3mg/kg。②采后生理:经蓝光处理的山楂呼吸强度最高为91.55CO2 mg/kg·h;经蓝光处理的山楂MDA含量最高为0.357µmol/g·Fw;经红光处理的圣女果Vc 含量最高为141.54µg/mL;经自然光处理的金桔CAT活性最高,在240nm处测得相应的OD值为0.732。48235



Effect of light on the storage properties of several kinds of fruit

Abstract:The effects of red, blue and natural lights on the storage quality and postharvest physiology of hawthorn, cherry tomatoes and kumquat as experimental materials were studied. The experimental results were as follows: The storage quality: The weight loss rate of kumquat treated by blue light was 5.1% which was the highest. The fine fruit rate of hawthorn treated by red light and blue light was 66.7% which was the lowest. The soluble solids content of cherry tomatoes treated by red light was 5% which was the lowest. The total phenolic content of kumquat treated by red light was highest which OD value was 0.847 at 695nm. The total flavonoids content of hawthorn treated by red light was highest which OD value was 0.502 at 510nm. Chlorophyll and carotenoid content of hawthorn treated by red light were 2.7mg/kg and 1.3mg/kg which was the lowest. Postharvest physiology: The respiration intensity of hawthorn treated by blue light was 91.55CO2mg/kg·h which was the highest. MDA content of hawthorn treated by blue light was 0.357µmol·g-1·Fw which was the highest. VC content of cherry tomatoes treated by red light was 141.54µg/mL which was the highest. CAT activity of hawthorn treated by red light was highest which OD value was 0.732 at 240nm.

This study can be used to provide reference for the storage and transportation technology of fruit and the regulation technology of nutrient content in fruit.

Keywords:fruit; preservation; LED light


1 绪论 1

1.1 光对植物的影响 1

1.2 水果储藏特性 1

1.3 研究目的与意义 2

2 材料与方法 3

2.1 材料与设备 3

2.1.1 材料和试剂 3

2.1.2 仪器和设备 3

2.2 实验方法 3

2.2.1 样品处理 3

2.2.2 失重率 3

2.2.3 好果率 4

2.2.4 可溶性固形物分析 4

2.2.5 呼吸强度分析 4

2.2.6 总酚含量分析 4

2.2.7 总黄酮含量分析 4

2.2.8 叶绿素和类胡萝卜素含量分析 4

2.2.9 丙二醛(MDA)含量分析 5 光对几种水果储藏特性的影响:http://www.751com.cn/shiping/lunwen_50771.html
