摘 要:本文研究了用向日葵盘制备膳食纤维的方法,制备膳食纤维的性能和对胆固醇的吸附作用。以向日葵盘为原料经脱色、脱糖、脱盐和脱除可溶性果胶步骤制得向日葵盘膳食纤维。用含水量、持水力、膨胀率和持油力的测定方法测定了制备膳食纤维的特性;用体外吸附法研究了膳食纤维对胆固醇吸附性质;通过红外、扫描电镜和XRD表征制备膳食纤维的特征。结果表明,向日葵盘膳食纤维的水分含量为4.08%,持水力为13.56g/g,膨胀率为6.45mL/g,持油力为6.99g/g;胆固醇清除率为73.12%。向日葵盘可作为制备膳食纤维的原材料。59206
Abstract: This paper studied the preparation of dietary fiber to use the sunflower plate, performance and adsorptive ability of preparated dietary fiber on the cholesterol. The dietary fiber were made through removed the sugar, desalination and soluble pectin from sunflower plate. The characteristics of the preparated dietary fiber, such as the water content, water-holding capacity, the swelling capacity and fat absorption capacity, were determinated. Absorption properties of dietary fiber on cholesterol were studied by adsorption in vitro. The surface characteristics of dietary fiber were characterized by using SEM and XRD. The results showed that the dietary fiber contained 4.08% water, and had 13.56g/g water-holding capacity, 6.45mL/g the swelling capacity and 6.99g/g the fat absorption capacity of dietary fiber. The max adsorbing capacity of the dietary fiber on cholesterol was 0.53mg/g and the removed rate was 73.12%. Sunflower plate could be took as the raw materials of the preparated dietary fiber.
Keywords: Sunflower plate, Dietary fiber, Adsorptive property, Cholesterol
第一章 前 言 4
第二章 膳食纤维的制备及其性能 4
1 实验部分 4
2 结果与讨论 6
第三章 对胆固醇的吸附性能 7
1 实验部分 8
2 数据结果及处理 9
第四章 三种样品的比较 11
1.实验准备 11
2.XRD表征分析 11
4. 电镜扫描分析 13
总 结 15
参考文献 16
致 谢 17
第一章 前 言
膳食纤维(dietary fiber, DF)是由很多的失水β—葡萄糖构成的非淀粉类多糖,是一种天然的有机高分子化合物[1],包括果胶、纤维素、甲壳素、半纤维素等物质[2]。当今社会,膳食纤维与人体健康的关系愈发被广泛关注。大量资料研究表明,被人们称作 “现代文明病”的冠心病、高血压、肥胖症、糖尿病、便秘等疾病都与膳食纤维的缺乏有着或多或少的关系。正因为这样,膳食纤维也被人们喻为“人类第七营养素”[3]。膳食纤维虽然本身没有什么营养价值,且不能被消化与吸收,但是它所拥有的物化特性使它拥有独特的营养保健功能与生理功能[4]。
影响膳食纤维资源的开发利用的关键地方是原料的选择以及其制备的方法。现在制备膳食纤维的原料有马铃薯渣滓、玉米芯、玉米秸秆、小麦皮、苹果皮、小麦皮等。制备膳食纤维的方法大概可以为四类,即膜分离法、化学分析法、发酵法以及化学试剂—酶结合分离法 [5]。 向日葵盘膳食纤维制备及其对胆固醇吸附性能分析:http://www.751com.cn/shiping/lunwen_64399.html