Refers to a class of integer programming requirements of all or part of a variable as an integer in mathematical programming, MATLAB is a mathematical software. In this article, the author of manpower distribution in MATLAB software for solving integer programming problems.
MATLAB actually prepared statement did not directly address integer programming, through data to find and found linprog functions in MATLAB can solve linear programming problems. Therefore, the author attempts to solve integer programming problems using linprog, but because the answers obtained is not necessarily limited to an integer, so give up this function to look for another alternative.
Continue to find data and experiments to find, you can use the traversal methods to solve integer programming problems. This method generally uses a loop control statements and conditional control statements, use for loop to resolve through all possible solutions, with an if statement to determine whether the objective function and the constraints are conditions are meet, using variable substitution to achieve optimum output. In addressing the human resource allocation issues, also used this method to solve the problem of reservations to successfully tested this methodology used.
Key words: Integer programming, human resources allocation, MATLAB,linprog function, the traverse method
摘要 1
目录 2
1引言 3
1.1 课题的目的和意义 3
1.2 国内外研究现状与发展趋势 3
1.3 文献综述 5
2 数学知识介绍 6
3 MATLAB函数介绍 6
3.1 LINPROG函数语法: 6
3.2 描述: 7
3.3 变量: 7
3.4 诊断: 8
4 整数规划人力分配问题的求解和探索 9
4.1 试用LINPROG函数来解决问题 9
问题一: 9
问题二: 10
4.2 试用遍历法求解整数规划问题 12
5 使用遍历法求解整数规划人力分配问题的推广 17
致谢 22
参考文献 23
1.1 课题的目的和意义
一类要求问题中的变量全部或者一部分是整数的数学规划就是整数规划。是近三十年来发展起来的、规划论的一个分支。整数规划的问题需要决策变量取整的线性规划或非线性规划问题,在运筹学与最优化理论中,它是重要分支之一。如果在线性模型中,变量的限制条件时整数,那么这就是整数线性规划。目前比较流行的求解整数规划的方法一般只能用于求解整数线性规划。 一类整数规划的MATLAB求解:http://www.751com.cn/shuxue/lunwen_28340.html