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时间:2017-06-23 09:53来源:毕业论文

摘 要:阅读教学是小学语文教学的重要环节,对于小学高年级学生而言,阅读不仅是学生识字的基础,而且是提高学生听、说、读、写综合能力的主要途径,更重要的是通过阅读能够增强学生感悟知识、体验知识的能力,提高学生的思文能力。然而,即使在新课程改革日益深入的天,小学高年级语文阅读教学依然存在一定的问题,表现为阅读教学中时间安排的不合理;教学方法单一,缺乏新颖性;阅读教学中缺乏对学生情感的培养。究其成因,主要就教师和学生两个方面进行了分析。因此,从提高小学高年级语文阅读教学的有效性出发,本论文针对性的提出了教师在语文阅读教学中必须做到:合理安排阅读时间;坚持以“读”为本的教学理念;发扬教学民主,实现真情互动;在教学中培养学生的阅读情感等对策。10649
Problems and Countermeasures existing in the teaching of Chinese reading in high grade of primary school
Abstract:Reading is an important part of Chinese teaching in primary school. For students of high grade in primary school, reading is not only the basis of students’ literacy, but also the main way to improve their listening, speaking, reading and writing skills. More importantly, reading can help students to enhance their ability of comprehension knowledge, and then to improve their ability of thinking. Although in nowadays, the new curriculum reform increasingly deepening, there are still some problems in Chinese teaching of high grade in primary school. For instance, time arrangement is unreasonable in reading teaching, the teaching method is short of persity and novelty, and students are lack of emotion cultivation in reading teaching.  To study the reasons, the two aspects of teachers and students are analyzed. Therefore, this paper puts forward some strategies in order to improve the effectiveness of Chinese teaching of high grade in primary school. Such as reasonable reading time arrangement, adhering to teaching ideas which based on read, promoting the teaching democracy, achieving emotional interactions and cultivating students reading emotion.
Key words:Primary school; High grade;Chinese;The teaching of reading
 目 录

摘 要    1
Abstract    1
一、阅读教学及其重要性    2
(一)阅读教学    2
(二)阅读教学的重要性    2
二、小学高年级语文阅读教学存在的问题及成因    3
(一)小学高年级语文阅读教学存在的问题    3
(二)小学高年级语文阅读教学问题的成因    4
三、提高小学语文阅读教学有效性的基本策略    5
参考文献    7
附录    8
致谢    9
使学生具有听、说、读、写的基本能力是小学语文教学的重要目标之一。在基础教育课程改革的今天,“小学语文阅读教学绝不可能是封闭的知识集中训练营, 也不应是单纯的知识传递, 而应该开拓小学生的视野、培养小学生的阅读兴趣的阵地。”[1]因此,通过语文阅读教学提高小学生的阅读能力,就成为小学语文教学改革的重要内容之一。尤其在小学高年级阶段,语文教师怎样上好阅读课,是当前小学语文课堂教学改革面临的一个重要问题。

《语文课程标准》指出:阅读是搜集处理信息、认识世界、发展思文、获得审美体验的重要途径。阅读教学是学生、教师、教科书编者、文本之间对话的过程。阅读是学生的个性化行为,应引导学生钻研文本,在主动积极的思文和情感活动中,加深理解和体验,有所感悟和思考,受到情感熏陶,获得思想启迪,享受审美乐趣。[2] 小学高年级语文阅读教学存在的问题及对策:http://www.751com.cn/shuxue/lunwen_9764.html