关键词 三文轮廓测量 线激光 CCD 激光三角法
Title Design and realization of three-dimensional contour profile measuring system for gear basing on line laser scanning
In view of the three-dimensional contour profile measuring problem, the three-dimensional contour profile measuring system for gear basing on line laser scanning is proposed. The principle of laser triangulation method is used to deal with the images acquired in order to get the 3D contour information of the measured gear. This paper first introduces the basic information of the gear, the development status of gear measuring technology and the three-dimensional shape measurement technology, and then introduces the basic principle of laser triangulation method and its application in the three-dimensional shape measurement in detail. Next,designs the measurement system of this project. The three-dimensional shape measurement system is mainly consisted of line laser, the measured gear, CCD camera. Combined with the principle and characteristics of measurement, it researches and analyzes the image processing method of this project, resulting in the vertical and cross section contour information of the measured gear. The experimental results demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed system design and the three-dimensional contour profile measurement.
Keywords three-dimensional shape measurement line laser CCD laser triangulation method
目 次
1 引言1
1.1 课题研究背景1
1.2 齿轮测量技术的发展状况1
1.3 三文轮廓测量技术的发展状况1
1.4 本课题研究的内容 6
2 三文轮廓测量原理分析和总体方案设计 7
2.1 激光三角法原理 7
2.2 激光三角法在轮廓测量系统中的应用8
2.3 总体方案设计 9
2.4 本章小结 10
3 测量系统搭建与研究 11
3.1 测量仪器 11
3.2 测量系统 14
3.3 本章小结14
4 系统中应用的图像处理方法 15
4.1 图像处理所用软件 15
4.2 图像处理 16
4.3 本章小结 20
5 实验数据处理 21
5.1 求取线激光在图片上的坐标位置 21
5.2 待测齿轮竖直方向轮廓测量结果 22
5.3 待测齿轮横向截面位置轮廓测量结果 23
5.4 误差分析 26
5.5 本章小结 28
结论 29
致谢 30
1 引言
1.1 课题研究背景
齿轮机构是机械中应用最广的传动机构之一,靠主动轮轮齿的齿廓依次推动从动轮轮齿的齿廓来传递空间任意两轴的运动和动力。其主要优点是:适用的圆周速度和功率范围广,传动稳定,工作可靠,适用寿命长,效率高,可实现任意两轴之间的传动。主要缺点是:对制造和安装精度要求高,且成本高,不适宜远距离两轴之间的传动。 基于线激光扫描的齿轮三维轮廓测量系统设计及实现:http://www.751com.cn/tongxin/lunwen_10499.html