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时间:2018-03-21 11:05来源:毕业论文

关键词:图像处理    图像报警   MATLAB  像素比例
Title    The study of image alarm technology Abstract
  The design of this project is intelligent, digital image recognition monitoring alarm systems,differ from the triggered alarm mode used in traditional single-point analog image alarm system.The early alarm mode is mechanical and without analysis. With the development of computer technology and network technology, digital image processing technology become mature gradually.On the backgrounds of the development of video surveillance systems, features of this design is based on digital image processing technology to design automatic alarm.
 CCD camera has been used in this design as an input device and image acquisition card is used as  analog-digital conversion system equipment, computer equipment is used as the control treatment and the software MATLAB is used  to analyze the digital image.
If a foreign body entering in the surveillance,then piding measurement followed by extraction , using image smoothing technique to remove noise and using image registration techniques and dynamic background motion detection to remove the effects of background noise, light, and weak factors in order to not produce false positives. The analysis of the angle and the way to break into foreign objects share the full picture of the scale and foreign matter into the subsequent judgments based on form factor and invariant moments factors to determine whether to trigger an alarm device.
Keywords: image processing  image alarm   MATLAB   Pixel ratio
第一章  绪论    2
1.1课题的提出、以及图像报警系统的发展    2
1.2 本课题相对于传统报警系统的优越性    4
1.3、图像报警系统在图像处理方面的设计创新    4
第二章   图像处理的相关理论    6
2.1、图像与数字图像    6
2.2、灰度直方图    6
2.3、图像代数运算    8
2.4、异物图像的提取    10
2.5 、直方图均衡化    11
2.6、数字图像处理主要内容    11
2.7、图像处理技术的应用    12
2.8、MATLAB简介    13
第三章    报警系统中的图像处理与方案设计    15
3.1、自动报警系统的方案    15
3.2、自动报警系统硬件设计    16
3.3、以方式1进入监控场景分析(很小的异物)    17
3.4、以方式2进入监控场景分析(很小的异物)    20
3.5、以方式3进入监控场景分析(异物能触发报警)    22 MATLAB图像报警技术研究+文献综述:http://www.751com.cn/tongxin/lunwen_11483.html