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时间:2019-11-20 19:39来源:毕业论文


关键词:超宽带天线  偶极子  菱形天线  HFSS软件


Title  The Simulation And Analysis of Ultra-wideband Antenna


As the new century to the attention of the communication system and ultra wideband technology, antenna technology and the other is in progress and development of microelectronic device.Uwb technology compared to the past narrowband systems, data transmission rate, low cost, has advantages such as strong anti-jamming capability, make people developed an interest on it.Among them, the ultra-wideband antenna is a very important part of the ultra wideband radio technology.

The deep structure of ultra-wideband antenna, the design is more efficient, more efficient ultra-wideband antenna is very important and urgent.New century of the radar, satellite communications and resources to detect mining put forward higher demand than ever before.Production in the new century and popularized the many wireless communications equipment, such as mobile phone, digital camera, USB, etc.Ultra-wideband because of its small size, large rate of advantage, but with many wireless devices work together, to create more convenient advantage.Cable communication can’t  do  this  in the past.

Keywords  ultra-wideband antenna  dipole rhombic antenna HFSS software

目   次

1  绪论 1

1.1  课题的国内外研究背景及意义 1

1.2  超带宽技术概述 1

1.2.1  UWB的定义 2

1.2.2  UWB的技术特点 2

1.2.3  UWB技术应用范围 3

1.3  仿真软件简介 4

1.4  本文的主要工作及安排 4

2  超宽带天线的理论基础 6

2.1  天线电磁理论基础 6

2.2  超宽带天线的主要性能指标 7

2.2.1 输入阻抗 7

2.2.2  方向图 7

2.2.3  驻波比 7

2.3  超宽带天线的特性参数 7

2.3.1 相位中心 7

2.3.2  群时延 7

4.1  一个单元 11

4.2  两个单元 13

结  论 16

致  谢 17

参考文献 18

1  绪论

随着时代的发展,人们对无线通信系统在各方面的要求都越来越高,迫切需要一个大容量、高速度、有安全性保障的无线电通信系统来满足社会日益增长的需求。但是发展总是伴随着矛盾,社会对大容量信息的需求使得频谱资源变得越来越拥挤,而就是在这种无线通信发展受到技术层次的限制时,超宽带技术应运而生。它通过非常微级的非正弦波窄脉冲来弥补传统无线通信不能做到的数据传递。人们无法不喜欢超宽带的迅捷、低耗与带宽极宽的优点,对它的性能也报以了更高的要求。而超宽带天线技术作为超宽带无线通信系统中最核心的部分,也成为人们关注的重点。 HFSS超宽带(UWB)天线的仿真:http://www.751com.cn/tongxin/lunwen_42101.html
