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时间:2017-05-03 21:45来源:毕业论文

关键词  圆极化 天线 单馈 增益 轴比带宽 介质厚度
Title  Research on Circularly Polarized Antenna with a single feed
Circular polarization technology has broad application prospects in the field of communications, navigation and guidance,therefore to carry out the study of microstrip circularly polarized antenna has a significant  value. The study of work as follows: Firstly, on the analysis of circularly polarized antenna, we used the HFSS11.1 software to design an inpidual single-feed circularly polarized microstrip antenna and qualitatively compared the effect of depth of cutting angle on the axial ratio bandwidth. Through the simulation we obtained S parameters, axial ratio bandwidth and gain. Secondly, on the basis of a single antenna research, we compared the antenna performance with the same dielectric constant and different dielectric thickness. Thirdly, we obversed the changes of the radiation pattern with ground expanded and verified the impact of dielectric thickness on the antenna performance.
Keywords  Circularly polarized,Antenna,Single feed,Gain, AR Bandwidth, Dielectric thickness
目  次
1.  绪论    1
1.1   微带天线研究背景    1
1.2   圆极化微带天线的背景和国内外研究动态    2
1.3   本文的主要内容安排    3
2.  微带天线的基本理论    3
2.1  概论    3
2.2  微带天线的分析方法    3
2.2.1  传输线法    4
2.2.2  腔模理论    5
2.2.3  积分方程法    6
2.2.4  其他方法    6
2.3  微带天线的馈电方法    6
2.3.1  探针馈电贴片    7
2.3.2  边沿馈电贴片    7
2.3.3  口径耦合贴片    7
2.3.4  临近耦合贴片    8
2.4  本章小结    9
3.  微带天线圆极化技术    9
3.1  概述    9
3.1.1  圆极化波的产生原理    9
3.1.2  圆极化波的性质    10
3.1.3  圆极化天线的电参数    11
3.2  不同类型的圆极化微带天线    11
3.2.1  单贴片圆极化微带天线    11
3.2.2  其他类型的圆极化天线    12
3.3  单馈圆极化微带天线理论    13
3.3.1  简并分离    13
3.4  圆极化特性测试    14
3.5  圆极化微带天线单元的设计    15
3.5.1  普通微带线极化天线的设计    15
3.5.2  圆极化天线的设计基础——线极化天线    16
3.5.3  圆极化天线的设计    17
3.6  圆极化微带天线单元的设计结果    17 HFSS单馈紧凑型圆极化天线研究+文献综述:http://www.751com.cn/tongxin/lunwen_6328.html