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时间:2021-02-28 10:32来源:毕业论文


毕业论文关键词   嵌入式系统  数据采集传输  ARM  UCB1400  UART


Title  The research of data acquisition and transmission system based on ARM embedded system                

Abstract With the rapid development of technology,the demands on data acquisition are enhanced. Embedded system is one of the leading-edge technologies nowadays,It can be used to enhance real-time feature and flexibility of system,so as to meet the increasing measurement needs.The study of embedded data acquisition system based on ARM is such a case.

The system uses A/D converter chip UCB1400 collect data, transforming the analog signal into digital signal and processing through the ARM processor. Finally,the date will be transferred to the peripheral through the UART interface using protocol RS-232 and the purpose of the system design will be achieved. This paper gives the hardware schematics of the data acquisition and transmission system based on ARM embedded system and the program of data acquisition and communication transmission control software. 

Keywords  Embedded System  Data acquisition and transmission  ARM UCB1400  UART

1 绪论 1

1.1 数据采集传输系统简介 1

1.2 嵌入式系统简介 2

1.3 ARM简介 3

1.4 本文研究内容4

2 系统硬件设计 5

2.1 总体设计5

2.2 SEP3203微处理器5

2.3 UCB14006

2.4 定时器模块10

2.5 INTC中断控制器15

2.6 UART通用异步收发器18

3 系统软件设计25

3.1 仿真环境25

3.2 A/D模数转换设计27

3.3 串口软件设计32

 结论 34

 致谢 35


 附录A 37

 附录B 43

1  绪论


1.1  数据采集传输系统简介

1.1.1   数据采集传输系统的概念

    数据采集系统是结合基于计算机或者其他专用测试平台的测量软硬件产品来实现灵活的、用户自定义的测量系统。数据采集传输系统是自动化系统的关键部分,往往与工业上的控制环节联系在一起。数据采集是指由传感器或采集器自动采集数据的过程,得到的数据经过处理之后再传输到监控终端以满足实时的、高精度的、高速度的要求。配备RS232串口,还可连接多个检测仪器实现自动数据采集。 基于ARM嵌入式系统的数据采集传输系统研究+程序:http://www.751com.cn/tongxin/lunwen_70341.html
