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时间:2021-02-28 14:53来源:毕业论文


本文首先描述了CCD摄像机的背景和发展历程,之后又对HDTV的相关概念进行了简要的介绍。重点对本项目研制的高速CCD摄像机系统中的数字分量转模拟分量的电路以及相关程序进行了设计。由于要对1080P格式的数字分量进行转换,且每组数字信号要求最少8bit,因此采用TI公司的视频D/A转换芯片THS8200-EP,并使用Verilog HDL硬件编程语言对THS8200-EP中的寄存器进行配置。


毕业论文关键词  CCD摄像机  1080P  数模转换  Verilog HDL


Title   Display Circuit and Program Design of Analog Color  Component in 1080P Format                   

Abstract CCD camera has very extensive applications in the field of consumer, non-contact measurement and the image sensor , which also contributed to the development of related technologies field. The CCD device has wide spectral response, high sensitivity, special scanning, small distortion,  anti-vibration, anti-glare, no blur and many other advantages.

    The present paper describes the background and development of CCD cameras, then briefly introduces the concept of HDTV. In this thesis, a focused study for the circuit and program design of digital transfer analog components of the said project. Due to the conversion of the digital components in 1080p format, and digital signal required at least 8bit in each group, we choose the video D/A conversion chip THS8200-EP made by TI. And using Verilog HDL hardware programming language to configure registers in THS8200-EP.

   This paper completes the design of D/A conversion circuit and the read and write procedures of registers in THS8200-EP, the simulation results show that the design of programs meet the read and write timing. 

Keywords  CCD camera  1080P  D/A conversion  Verilog HDL  

1 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景及意义 1

1.2 CCD的发展状况 1

1.2.1 CCD的发明 1

1.2.2 国内外CCD发展状况 2

1.3 数字高清晰度电视的发展状况 3

1.4 本论文的研究内容 3

2 HDTV 4

2.1 HDTV与SMPTE简介 4

2.1.1 定义及其特点 4

2.1.2 SMPTE标准的发展 5

2.2 SMPTE 274M标准 6

2.2.1 SMPTE 274M简介 6

2.2.2 行场扫描 7

2.2.3 数字定时基准序列 7

2.2.4 系统比色法 8

3 EDA技术 9

3.1 EDA概述 9

3.2 EDA设计基本流程 9

3.3 EDA工具软件 10

3.3.1硬件描述语言 10

3.3.2 Quartus II VHDL1080p格式模拟彩色分量显示电路设计和程序实现:http://www.751com.cn/tongxin/lunwen_70390.html
