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时间:2021-02-28 22:11来源:毕业论文
The second chapter is an overview of the principle of the beat. It firstly introduces the working principle of photoelectric detector which is often used in beat frequency detection-- Photoelectric co

The second chapter is an overview of the principle of the beat. It firstly introduces the working principle of photoelectric detector which is often used in beat frequency detection-- Photoelectric conversion law. Then it deduces the formula of beat frequency principle and deduces the expression of beat frequency signal's power spectrum by supposing electric field intensity of two source signals,laying a theoretical foundation for beat frequency simulation by formula in the third chapter.

The third chapter is the waveform simulation of beat frequency signal produced by light pulse using matlab. It firstly introduces the simulation result of beat frequency using two different gaussian pulse signal source. And it discusses the impact of several parameters to the beat frequency signal by observing the beat frequency signal waveform characteristics under different parameter Settings.Then, according to the data of the micro ring resonator's output pulse signal in different ring size and refractive index of medium cavity, it does the simulation of beat frequency signal. By observing the waveform of beat frequency signal, it explores the influence of ring size and refractive index to the beat frequency signal.

The fourth chapter is the summary of this article and the Looking forward to beat frequency technology application prospect and research key.

Keywords  Beat frequency technology    light pulse   simulation     

1  绪论 1

1.1  研究背景和意义 1

1.2  国内外拍频研究现状 2

1.3  拍频在不同领域的应用 4

1.4  本论文主要内容 10

2  拍频技术理论概述 11

2.1  光拍频技术的介绍 11

2.2  光拍频基本原理 12

2.3  本章小结 16

3  拍频信号仿真 17

3.1  两个高斯脉冲信号的拍频仿真 17

3.2  不同参量对拍频信号的影响 19

3.3  微环谐振器中拍频信号的仿真 23

3.4  本章小结 27

4  总结与展望 28

4.1  总结 28

4.2  展望 29

致谢 30

参考文献 31

1  绪论

1.1  研究背景和意义

光拍频自1955年发现以来,尤其是1960年激光出现以来,因为其自身众多的优越性,得到了迅速的发展,在科学研究以及工业技术的发展上发挥着重要作用,被众多领域都在广泛地应用。以光拍频为基础的光外差技术,是用来产生微波、THz波、毫米波等各个不同波段波的简单有效手段。同时,光拍频也是相干检测的重要手段,在测试领域被广泛使用,它不仅能检测微小的频率差,还能被用于一些如光速、激光陀螺角速度等物理量的测量。由于拍频解调技术拥有简单、成本低等众多优越性,大量的拍频激光传感器被应用到水声、超声、荷载等物理信息的测量。除此之外,因为光拍频的频率在电子学频率范围内,所以经常被检测和控制来实现对光频的检测和控制。拍频也可用来作为载频使用,将有用的信息载到较高频段处理,对某些低频噪声源进行隔离,能大大提高对低频微弱信号的检测灵敏度。论文网 拍频技术原理及应用研究(2):http://www.751com.cn/tongxin/lunwen_70511.html
