


    Research on Sustainable Development of Rural Commercial Banks in Nantong

    Abstract:Nantong rural commercial bank is the original Nantong rural credit cooperatives by reforming  system. Thanks to the support of national policies and the effect of the rapid development of economy,  Nantong rural commercial bank achieve their own scale and rapid growth in the new round of deep reform of rural credit cooperatives. Nantong rural commercial bank also encounters considerable resistance and problems in the developing process. Such as: there is no competitive advantages with the new type of large commercial banks. The hardware and software facilities are relatively backward. Bad debts come into apperance cause the risk management and control of loans are not in place. The loan business is the main point, less of intermediate business and derivative business. The overall quality of customer is low which is not conducive to expanding business. High quality customers are urgent. This series of problems will be solved in this paper according to the corresponding countermeasures. The sustainable development advices of Nantong rural commercial bank will be made through the current development situation, problems and countermeasures of Nantong rural commercial bank.

    Keywords: Rural Commercial Bank; strategy of sustainable development; Nantong 


    一、引言 1

    (一)选题背景与意义 1

    (二)文献综述 2

    (三)相关理论 6

    二、南通农村商业银行可持续发展现状 8

    (一)南通农村商业银行发展历史 8

    (二)南通农村商业银行发展现状 8

    三、南通农村商业银行发展中存在的问题 12

    (一)软硬件设施不齐全,没有竞争优势 12

    (二)资金不足,限制发展 13

    (三)客户质量不高,不利于拓展业务 13

    (四)员工水平较低,缺乏人才 14

    (五)主营传统业务,赶不上金融潮流 14

    四、南通农村商业银行可持续发展的对策 15

    (一)完善各项规章制度,做到不违规不违法 15

    (二)抓准时机,向地区外发展 15

    (三)建立健全风险识别和评估体系,降低风险 16

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