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时间:2017-01-05 14:38来源:毕业论文
[17]Tyson M. Cutting off access to government information: Loopholes in the access to information act generated by the information highway. Journal of Government Information, 2009,24(10):1-8. [18]Ta

[17]Tyson M. Cutting off access to government information: Loopholes in the access to information act generated by the information highway. Journal of Government Information, 2009,24(10):1-8.
[18]Takashi K. Access to government information in Japan: a long way toward electronic government? Government Information Quarterly, 2003,20(1):47-62.
[19]Sharon S D, Theresa A P, Anthony M C. Designing electronic government information access programs: A holistic approach. Government Information Quarterly, 2004,21(1):3-23. 电子政务信息公开研究文献综述国内外研究现状及参考文献(3):http://www.751com.cn/wenxian/lunwen_1865.html