国外文献概述E.P.Ellinger,Doeumentary Letters of Credit: A Comparative Study,University of Singapore Press,Singapore,2009:276. It is fundamental that the seller’s documents must be in strict compliance with the credit to secure payment. This is the basic principle in LC operations where ‘documents match payment’ is purely based on compliance of documents with the terms and conditions of the LC.61798
陈伟芝:UCP600下信用证欺诈的新特点与防范措施研究, 2012(6):70-72中认为即使UCP600中关于审单的要求与规定更加严格谨慎,但是由于国际贸易大环境的不断变化与发展,信用证欺诈以及风险也不断推陈出新。
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