By Clutch Feeling Express a Aense of the Rise and Fall
——On Changsheng Dian and Taohua Shan the Similarities and Differences
Abstract: Theater world and the emergence of the early Qing Hong Sheng Kong Shangren two people, two of painstaking work,Changsheng Dian and Taohua Shan as the Qing Dynasty legendary "double wall." This paper leads to two works of love and politics as a starting point to analyze "the rise and fall of a sense of" these two works, "clutch of Love" and the similarities and differences. Same point of these two works have shaped a love story full of joys and sorrows, but just love to write, but rose by children affair to the national political level, full of rich tragedy; different points: one is "imperial concubine "love, is a" Romances "love, a mutual love and political causes and consequences of the tragedy, a political tragedy led to tragic love story. This paper further compares the image of Yang and Li Xiangjun and draw similarities and differences in the two plays thrust comparative study.
Key words: Changsheng Dian; Taohua Shan; Point; Similarities and Differences
目 录
摘 要 1
Abstract 1前言 2
一、共同的创作机缘——时代之殇 2
二、浓郁的悲剧色彩——“离合之情”的不同演绎 2
(一)《长生殿》——帝王与妃子间的至情演绎 3
(二)《桃花扇》——乱世之中的悲欢离合 4
(二)爱情、政治两条线索交叉并行 6
致谢 10
“传奇”最早指代有唐一代的文言小说,后来其指代的体裁范围逐渐扩大,宋话本,宋元南戏,元杂剧都可被称作“传奇”。但说到“明清传奇”,通常指以宋元时期的戏曲形式——南戏为先鉴,并在其基础上所形成的长篇戏曲。清代文人李渔在其著作中曾说:古人呼剧本为传奇者,非奇不传。[1]传奇又总是与新、巧、真联系在一起的,从人情世态出发,见人所未见之事,通过深入细腻地展现物理人情,平中见奇。清初洪昇的代表作《长生殿》是众多传奇剧中的翘楚,和其有相同地位的便是同为清初戏曲家的孔尚任的巨著《桃花扇》。这两部作品都是传奇剧中的杰作,是传奇这一文学形式中的“双壁”,而创作了这两部传世经典的作者也随着他们的作品一起被后人敬仰,尊重。 论《长生殿》与《桃花扇》的异同:http://www.751com.cn/wenxue/lunwen_18318.html