毕业论文关键词:袁绍 ;河南;河北;士人集团;斗争
The study on the Hebei intellectuals of Yuan Shao'
Abstract The late Eastern Han dynasty, Yuan Shao's a land of Hebei, four States, was once the most promising unified North China but the battle of Guandu, eventually to failure. The reason lies mainly in its scholars in different geographical groups in the scene of fierce clashes. Yuan Shao scene in the scholars main from two big regional: a is to ru, and Ying for Center of Henan area, a is to Jizhou for Center of Hebei area, they are to geo relationship for ties, to formed has mutual opposition of two big interests group, constantly for with political, and economic power of compete for and strife. They struggle of focus has three: a is on whether welcome served Emperor hanxian. Second, tactics and strategy on the South。 Third, on make succession. On the three major issues in their gezhiyiduan, influence the decision-making of Yuan Shao. Yuan Shao initially centered coordination, in order to achieve political balance, but gradually lost the neutral attitude and reason, blindly biased village in Henan province, suppression of Hebei people,thereby causing the worsening internal friction. Collapse led to Yuan's regime.
Key words: Yuan Shao;Henan;Hebei; intellectuals;battle
目 录
前言 -1
一、东汉士人基本情况 1
(二)袁绍集团阵营分为河南河北两大阵营- 3
(三)两大集团在袁绍南进战略与战术问题上的斗争- 4
(四)两大集团围绕拥立袁绍继承人所展开的火并及袁氏政权的覆亡 6
参考文献 - -8
前言近年来国内相关学术研究者对于古代士人的研究主要是针对魏晋南北朝时期,主要研究点也是处于这个时期的士人思想的觉醒和以竹林七贤为代表的魏晋风度的研究,而对于汉魏时期的士人研究偏少。士人在中国古代历史中占据着相当大的地位,在很大程度上影响了中国古代历史的发展。汉魏之际是群雄割据的时期,这一时期的士人思想在两汉四百余年的儒学发展中也产生了深远的影响,在一定程度上影响了汉魏时期的政治格局。汉魏之际的历史闪光点都是关于割据群雄的雄韬伟略和丰功伟绩,而处于谋生地位的士人群体,似乎被这份光环所遮掩,并没有被史学研究者所重视。士人群体也没有得到相应的评价。因此,人们经常将汉魏之际的士人团体与魏晋时期的士人团体混为一谈。但是熟知历史的就会知道,汉魏之际的士人与魏晋时期的士人团体在风尚上具有很大差异。汉魏士人精神具有激昂和上进的特点,在理想方面更加注重时代感。汉魏士人在汉魏交替之际的整个社会氛围中起着非常重要的作用。 袁绍集团河北士人群体研究:http://www.751com.cn/wenxue/lunwen_41064.html