ABSTRACT "The West Chamber" is China's classical drama of love long enjoyed great works,it takes love as the theme,through vivid characters, the characters of the characters and the complex drama plot, reflect the anti feudal democratic spirit, the Chinese literary history and social life have a huge impact."Romance of the Western Chamber" describes the female of Cui Ying Ying Xiangguo and young scholar Zhang Sheng love at first sight, they in order to strive for the happiness of love and marriage and with the old lady as the representative of the feudal forces in the struggle and eventually be combined with comedy. The process of striving for a happy marriage is difficult, which is full of contradictions and conflicts.There is no drama without conflict, and as a result of the conflict many people laugh plot, the comedy of the romance of the West Chamber reflected in the drama conflict, display in the vivid character shaping, intricate plot and language, this paper through the points on the romance of the Western Chamber "in comed.
Key words: "The West Chamber";Comedy;Character;Conflict Kehun proverb
目 录
第一章 人物形象中的喜剧性 1
1.1张生人物形象中的喜剧性 1
1.2崔莺莺人物形象中的喜剧性 2
1.3红娘人物形象中的喜剧性 2
第二章 戏剧情节中的喜剧性 4
2.1红娘请张生赴宴 4
2.2识破“假意儿” 5
2.3崔张爱情败露,老夫人拷问红娘 6
2.4争婚 7
第三章 语言上的喜剧性 8
结束语 10
致谢 11
参考文献 12
引言《西厢记》被无数学者视为我国文学史和戏曲史上的一部巨作,它诞生在戏曲辉煌的年代——元代。古往今来无数的读者都被这部作品深刻的反封建礼教的思想和精湛优美的语言艺术风格所折服,而剧中所描写的崔张的爱情故事更是无人不知,无人不晓。它精妙的艺术风格、丰富的情节和深邃的思想格使这部作品自问世以来一直雄踞一流的宝座。作品的语言艺术在很大程度上决定了作品的艺术风格,《西厢记》在语言上的艺术是无与伦比的,王实甫既熟练地运用民间语言,又吸取了唐诗宋词中精美的语言艺术为己所用,经过提炼加工,俩者奇妙结合,博取众长,从而形成了既典雅又质朴,既有文采又很又新意的独特的风格,浓郁的诗情画意弥漫在《西厢记》的字里行间。王实甫造就了《西厢记》在中国文学史上的崇高地位,《西厢记》也让王实甫成为了我国古典戏曲史上“文采派”最杰出的代表。 这样一部经典的作品自然会让人爱不释手,对其中的人物形象,艺术手法,时代背景,言语艺术等等各式各样的研究也就水涨船高。《西厢记》是一部值得去思考,去发现,去感悟的艺术瑰宝。 浅谈《西厢记》的喜剧性:http://www.751com.cn/wenxue/lunwen_47634.html