ABSTRACT The status of The Scholars is certain in the history of Chinese literature.This satiric novel is known as the peak among Chinese literature history.Its artistic achievement not only lie in Chinese literature, but also have an important impact for the world culture. This paper will take the scholars as the research object and then study the satire from its methods and techniques.Via analyzing different types such as scholars,bureaucrats,squires and citizen.Using the method of comparison to find the rational thinking of real life at that time from the author.This article mainly includes the following parts.
Chapter 1: Foreword indicates that this article research object, research ideas and methods.Also pointing out that the study of its meaning.
Chapter 2:The statistics and classification of using comparison in The Scholars.
Chapter 3:The contrast of characters in The Scholars.
Chapter 4:The contrast of fictional language in The Scholars.
Chapter 5:The contrast of environmental features in The Scholars.
Finally as the conclusion, sums up the basic idea of this paper.
Key words: The Scholars, fame and fortune, Contrast
目 录
序 言 1
一、研究对象 1
二、研究的思路和方法 1
三、研究的意义 2
第一章 《儒林外史》运用对比手法之处的统计和分类 3
第一节 《儒林外史》运用对比手法之处的统计 3
第二节 《儒林外史》运用对比手法之处的分类 5
第二章 《儒林外史》中人物形象的对比艺术 9
第一节 《儒林外史》中同一个人物身上的前后对比 9
第二节 《儒林外史》中名士杜慎卿与不入局的杜少卿的对比 10
第三节 《儒林外史》中不同身份的女性人物的对比手法 11
第三章 《儒林外史》中小说语言中的对比艺术 13
第四章 《儒林外史》的环境刻画的对比艺术 15
结束语 17
致 谢 18
参考文献 19
序 言
《儒林外史》作者——吴敬梓,出身于官僚世家,后家道中落,看遍世态炎凉,尝尽人情冷暖,移居南京。该书成书于清代乾隆年间,深入描绘了一幅社会百态众相的浮世图景,是一部真正意义上的现实主义讽世力作。小说矛头所向各色人物形象,尤其是以形形色色的知识分子讽刺之切,不虚美,不隐恶,真实地反映了他们的生存状态和精神面貌。其文学成就可谓是当之无愧的一部“时代定型没落的科举制的史诗”。 《儒林外史》中的对比艺术:http://www.751com.cn/wenxue/lunwen_48333.html