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时间:2018-04-24 22:33来源:毕业论文

关键词 全内反射;亚表面缺陷;损伤检测技术;
Title    Standing research-based total internal reflection microscopy to detect sub-surface defects in optical components                    
  With the high-power solid-state laser system energy improvement and continuous development,We demand  quality of optical components could be better and better.Effectively detect subsurface defects in optical components has became an urgent demand of the High  threshold  resistance to laser damage of optical component manufacturing.
  In this paper, have simple exposition of a variety of methods to detect subsurface damage, the final selection is using total internal reflection microscopy.
 Polarized light is irradiated on the defect,When the angle of incidence greater than the critical angle,the total reflection will occur.Calculation and simulation the relationship of intensity of the reflected light intensity of s-polarized and p-polarized and angle of incidence and the relationship of wave pitch of  angle of incidence.Thanbased on the relationships can be calculated  the depth and size of the defect.And the detection of scratches is also be discussed.
Keywords  Total internal reflection; subsurface defects; damage detection techniques
目   次

1  绪论    1
1.1  研究背景    1
1.2  研究现状    2
1.3  本文主要研究内容    7
2  亚表面损伤检测的方法    8
2.1  激光散射法    8
2.2  角度抛光法    10
2.3  磁流变抛光斑点法    11
2.4  光学相干层析技术    12
2.5  化学蚀刻法    13
3  全内反射显微技术检测原理及方法    15
3.1  公式推导    15
3.2  编写驻波程序    17
3.3  缺陷尺寸的测量    20
4  划痕测量    22
4.1  建立模型    22
4.2  公式推导    22
4.3  划痕长度的测量及计算    24
结  论    27
致  谢    29
参考文献    30
1    绪论
1.1    研究背景
元件的亚表面损伤有可能是材料本身就有的,也有可能是在磨削等加工过程中导致的。这些损伤将直接影响后道工序的加工效率和去除量。比如,在高性能的透镜系统中,会有由亚表面损伤所引起的光散射,然后降低调制系统的传递函数或者图象的对比度。另外,因为光能量存储于亚表面损伤中,最终这将会导致成像不稳定。 基于全内反射显微技术检测光学元件亚表面缺陷的驻波研究:http://www.751com.cn/wuli/lunwen_14142.html