毕业论文关键词: ZnO、薄膜、拉曼光谱
Temperature Dependent Raman Spectra of ZnCuO
Abstract:Nowdays the development of science and technology is changing rapidly in every field, and so is it in physics. the doping of ZnO based on transition metals has caused wide attention in scientific researchers.And the preparation of Cu doped ZnO sample has been realized by various ways.,however, there are some disputes about the origin of the magnetic source of Cu - doped and the defects of the origin of the ZnO.And the present reports mainly focus on the material and the film Currently . On the other side, Raman spectroscopy as a fast, simple, repeatable,,has already became a important tool to the qualitative and quantitative analysis of measurement technology in the researchl. In this thesis, the variation of the phonon modes with temperature (83-578K) in the ZnCuO films is planned.Through detailed Raman theoretical model,The variation of frequency and peak width with temperature were studied at the same time the effect of temperature on the frequency and the width of the phonon modes is explained in detail.The temperature dependent Raman spectroscopy have a more profound understanding of the internal behavior of the phonon ZnCuO nano materials.
Keywords: ZnO、Film、Raman spectroscopy
目录 1
1 绪论 2
1.1课题背景 2
2 Cu掺杂ZnO纳米结构的概述 6
2.1 ZnO纳米结构半导体概述 6
2.2 ZnO纳米结构半导体的性质和应用 6
2.3 ZnCuO纳米结构半导体的研究意义 8
2.4 ZnCuO纳米结构半导体的制备方法及光学性质的研究 9
2.5 ZnCuO纳米结构半导体磁性的来源争议 11
3 拉曼光谱测试法 12
3.1 拉曼光谱的发展历史 12
3.2 拉曼光谱测试法的原理 13
3.3 拉曼光谱测试仪器原理介绍 13
4 实验过程数据整合分析 15
4.1 拉曼光谱仪以及计算机软件 15
4.2 变温拉曼光谱实验过程 16
4.3 结果分析及讨论 21
致谢 22
参考文献 24
1 绪论
1.1 课题背景
1928年印度实验物理学家拉曼发现了光的一种类似于康普顿效应的光散射效应,称为拉曼效应。简单地说就是光通过介质时由于入射光与分子运动之间相互作用而引起的光频率改变。拉曼因此获得1930年的诺贝尔物理学奖,成为第一个获得这一奖项并且没有接受过西方教育的亚洲人。拉曼散射遵守如下规律:散射光中在每条原始入射谱线(频率为vo)两侧对称地伴有频率为Vi(1=1,2,3,:的谱线,长波一侧的谱线称红伴线或斯托克斯线,短波一侧的谱线称紫伴线或反斯托克斯线;频率差v;与入射光频率vo无关,由散射物质的性质决定,每种散射物质都有自己特定的频率差,其中有些与介质的红外吸收频率相一致。拉曼光谱即拉曼散射的光谱。在透明介质的散射光谱中,频率士Vi即为拉曼光谱,其中频率较小的成分VO一Vi又称为斯托克斯线,频率较大的成分V。十V‘又称为反斯托克斯线。靠近瑞利散射线两侧的谱线称为小拉曼光谱;远离瑞利散射线的两侧出现的谱线称为大拉曼光谱。拉曼散射的强度比瑞利散射要弱得多。瑞利散射线的强度只有入射光强度的千分之一,拉曼光谱强度大约只有瑞利线的千分之一。小与入射光频率V。相同的成分称为瑞利散射;频率对称分布在V。两侧的谱线或谱带V。拉曼光谱与分子的转动能级有关,大拉曼光谱与分子振动一转动能级有关。拉曼光谱的理论解释是:入射光子与分子发生非弹性散射,分子吸收频率为V。的光子,发射的光子,同时分子从低能态跃迁到高能态(斯托克斯线);分子吸收频率为v。的光子,发射vo + v的光子,同时分子从高能态跃迁到低能态(反斯托克斯线)与分子红外光谱不同,极性分子和非极性分子都能产生拉曼光谱。 ZnCuO变温拉曼光谱的分析:http://www.751com.cn/wuli/lunwen_29802.html