Abstract: Law of universal gravitation is Newtonian following Copernicus, Tycho, Kepler, and Galileo scientists set up on the basis of further studies.The law of universal gravitation is a simplicity and universality of natural laws, it appears to be unrelated to the ground for the first time combined with Sky Sports, for the first time reveal the symmetry and harmony of nature and the laws of physics to express simple and subtle inner beauty and as Newton from motion studies of the fundamental forces of another speculative example of science, and copied by generations of scientists. This paper studies the law of universal gravitation the history of the establishment, which help us to understand the laws of science and the history of the development of pulse, and helped foster the bold question, rigorous, practical and realistic attitude.
Key word: Newton, the law of universal gravitation,the gravitation constant
1引言 4
2 万有引力定律的建立过程 4
2.1 第谷的观测 4
2.2开普勒的工作 5
2.3惠更斯的理论 6
2.4 胡克、雷恩和哈雷的贡献 7
2.5牛顿的伟大发现 7
3万有引力定律的验证 9
3.1地球形状的确定验证 9
3.2海王星及冥王星的发现 9
3.3万有引力常数的测定 11
3.4引力平方反比关系的证明 12
3.5走向引力普适性的第一步——地月验证 14
3.6球体引力问题的解决—引力定律普适性的全面确认 16
4万有引力的建立给予我们的启示 17
结束语 19
参考文献 20
致谢 21
万有引力定律的发现,是17世纪科学史上伟大的成果之一。它把“地面上物体运动”的规律和“天体运动”的规律统一了起来,实现了“天地运动”的统一。这对于天文学的发展具有举足轻重的影响,也为人类认识宇宙的历史上树立了一座里程碑。 万有引力的建立过程及其启示:http://www.751com.cn/wuli/lunwen_64087.html