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时间:2021-04-13 21:47来源:毕业论文


毕业论文关键词:转动惯量  落体法  三线法  测量精

Title   Moment of  Inertia of  Rigid  Body  Measurement  Experiment                                                  


Moment of inertia is the measure of inertia of an object in rotation state. Inertia is an important parameters of the system that affect the operating characteristics in the aerospace, weapons systems, ship automobile, engineering machinery and other areas. This topic is to explore and research the methods of moment of inertia measurement. The proposed research methods are laboratory-based, comparing three-wire pendulum method and falling body method in the measurement object, measurement accuracy and experimental parameter selection to identify the most appropriate method. After observing the change of moment of inertia of rigid bodies as their mass, mass distribution, and the axis of the shaft change, the experimental data is processed by graphing method and the least square method to analyze experimental results. The analysis of various reasons for the impact of measurement accuracy and finding a reasonable solution are focused on.

Keywords: moment of inertia   falling body method   three-wire pendulum method   measurement accuracy

目   次


1  引言. 1

2  转动惯量的计算与测量. 1

2.1 转动惯量的基本概念.........1

2.2  转动惯量的测量方法.......3

2.2.1  单线摆法.....3

2.2.2  复摆法.......................4

2.2.3  扭摆法..... ..4

2.2.4  三线摆法.... 5

2.2.5  落体法....6

2.2.6  本节小结7

3  测角加速度法测量转动惯量..8

3.1  实验原理和步骤...8

3.1.1  仪器设备8

3.1.2  实验原理9

3.1.3  实验步骤..11

3.2  数据记录与处理.13

3.2.1  由预置数N1和N2测量铝环的转动惯量  ...13

3.2.2  验证平行轴定理..14

4  测时法测量转动惯量15

4.1  实验原理.15

4.2  数据记录与处理.16

4.3  实验误差分析.19

4.3.1  t的测量19

4.3.2  不考虑砝码下落加速度a引起的误差...19

4.3.3  被测物体轴线倾斜误差分析..20

4.3.4  被测物体径向偏移误差分析..21

4.3.5  阻力矩Mμ变化误差分析.....21




















