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时间:2021-06-30 15:00来源:毕业论文

摘要通过本论文的调研,有效掌握目前焦化企业实际生产和研究中产生的排放物的光学检测技术。论文主要对焦化企业水污染中包括的无机重金属污染(Hg、Cd、Pb、Cr、Co、Ni、Cu、Zn等)、无机阴离子污染(NO2-、CN-等)以及有机物污染(酚类化合物、苯类化合物、卤烃化合物、农药、石油等)的常用检测技术进行调研,综述了目前焦化企业环境污染物的常用光学检测方法。这些常用的光学检测技术主要包括原子光谱法中的原子吸收光谱法、电感耦合等离子体发射光谱法、原子荧光光谱法,分子光谱法中的紫外-可见光分光光度法、拉曼光谱法,X射线荧光光谱法,色谱分析中的液相色谱分析法、离子色谱分析法等 。68849


毕业论文关键词:光学检测技术  重金属  无机阴离子  有机物

Optical Detection Technique of Several Coking Enterprises Emissions


Through this thesis,optical detection technologies of the pollution released by coking enterprises can be effectively mastered during the actual production and research. This paper mainly makes lots of research to water pollution generated by coking enterprises, including: (1) heavy metal pollution (Hg, Cd , Pb , Cr , Co , Ni , Cu , Zn , etc), (2) Inorganic anion contamination (NO2- , CN- , etc), (3) organic pollution (Phenolic Compounds, Benzene Compounds , Halogen Hydrocarbon Compounds , Pesticides , Petroleum , etc). In this thesis,effective optical detection technologies of environmental pollutants is reviewed. Optical detection technologies which commonly used include atomic absorption spectrometry, inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry, atomic fluorescence spectrometry in atomic spectrometry;UV-visible spectrophotometry, Raman spectroscopy in molecular spectroscopy;X-ray fluorescence spectrometry;liquid chromatography, ion chromatography in chromatography analysis and so on.

Key Words:Optical Detection Technology  Heavy Metal  Inorganic Anion      Organics



目  录

摘要 I

Abstract II

1.引言 1

1.1焦化企业的现状及排污种类 1

1.2 焦化废水中常用处理方法 2

2. 常见的光学检测技术 3

2.1常用的光学检测技术 3

2.2原子光谱法 3

2.3分子光谱法 4

2.4 X射线荧光光谱法 4

2.5色谱分析法 5

3. 金属离子的光学检测技术 6

3.1汞(Hg) 6

3.2镉(Cd) 6

3.3铅(Pb) 7

3.4铬(Cr) 7

3.5钴(Co) 8

3.6镍(Ni) 8

3.7铜(Cu) 9

3.8锌(Zn) 9

4. 无机阴离子的光学检测技术 10

4.1亚硝酸根(NO2-) 10

4.2氰根离子(CN-) 几种焦化企业排放物的光学检测技术:http://www.751com.cn/wuli/lunwen_77542.html
