摘 要:因为突发事件发生的时间较为突然,涉及面广、破坏性强,具有不可抗拒性,而且会给人民造成重大伤害和损失,所以突发性电视新闻报道中主持人的素养显得尤为重要,报道突发性事件对各大新闻媒体主持人来说是一个巨大的挑战。但是在突发性电视新闻报道中,主持人仍存在着一定问题,例如由于缺乏对突发事件报道的经验,导致在面对突发状况时随机应变能力不强,在报道中盲目追求新闻热点缺少人文关怀精神等。对此,主持人要不断的完善自身修养,增强专业素质和知识储存量,提高语言表达能力、随机应变能力、信息集成能力,以独到的视角来审视突发事件,才能在新闻报道中从容面对处变不惊,取得较好的传播效果。4465
Research on the Quality of Host in the Emergency TV News Reports
Abstract: due to the emergency happens suddenly and irresistibly, involves a wide range and high destructiveness, and perhaps causes significant damage and losses to the people, in the emergency TV news reports, the host’s quality becomes more and more important, and it is a huge challenge for them. However, in the reports, host still have some problems, for example, because of lack of experience of emergency TV news reports, host’s reaction to emergency is not high, they usually pursue blindly news’ hot without humanistic spirit. Therefore, host should improve their own qualities constantly, strengthen professional qualities and knowledge, raise their language competence, ability of adjusting to changing circumstances and information obtaining and collection competence. they should examine emergency with unique perspectives so as to keep calm without panic in the news report and win a better communication effect.
Key words: Emergency; TV News Reports; quality of host
目 录
摘 要 1
Abstract 1
一、突发性电视新闻报道的基本概况 2
(一)突发性电视新闻报道的含义 2
(二)突发性电视新闻报道的特点 3
二、突发性新闻报道中主持人应具备的基本素质 3
(一)良好的精神面貌 3
(二)高度的新闻敏感性 4
(三)过硬的心理素质 4
三、突发性新闻报道中主持人素养存在的问题 5
(一)缺乏突发事件报道经验 5
(二)缺乏随机应变能力 6
(三)缺乏人文关怀精神 6
四、提高突发性电视新闻报道中主持人素养的建议 7
(一)强化信息集成能力 7
(二)提高随机应变能力 8
(三)增强自身文化底蕴 8
参考文献 10
电视媒体新闻报道有多种类型,突发性事件具有不可预测、不可抗拒性和强大的破坏力的特点,给社会带来了重大灾难。下面从对突发事件的报道的含义、分类和特点三个方来做进一步的阐述。 突发性电视新闻报道中主持人的素养研究:http://www.751com.cn/xinwen/lunwen_1150.html