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时间:2018-04-13 10:59来源:毕业论文

The Shallows of the Transmission Characteristics of Microfilm
Abstract:Although the film is in the form of micro-propagation freshmen only appeared in recent years, but it has been greatly favored in a very short period of time, a very important reason is that the movie has its unique micro small investment but high-return characteristics, this makes it be accepted by a lot of cultural media companies, advertising agencies, and professional video production groups and video site in a pretty short time , and then to the overwhelming trend in the eyes of the audience. This article points out, that "three micro"s properties: micro duration, micro cycles, micro investments; benefits of new media as a new channel of communication bring to  micro films: the development of new media for the micro-film create a favorable spread environment, "80" "90" group of new media audiences to become the main guarantee of success and the extreme demand of advertising camp for micro-movies because of " the Command of Advertising Restrictions "; the dissemination and propagation characteristics of the subject specialization and interactive audience to the propagation characteristics of short, concise and flexible micro-film to have a deeper knowledge and understanding, and lack of personal views put forward its proposal to today's developments and future prospects of micro-film market.
KeyWords:microfilm;three “micro”s;communication channels;the main bodies of communication;communication models
目  录

绪 论    1
(一) 研究目的、意义    1
(二) 研究现状    2
一、微电影的传播特点    4
(一) 传播本质特点:呈现“三微” 特性    4
(二) 传播渠道特点:主要采用新媒体播放    4
(三) 传播主体特点:更加趋于专业化    7
(四) 传播模式特点:与受众的互动性增强    7
二、微电影传播过程中的问题及建议    10
(一) 内容缺乏故事性、深入性和独创性,无法提起受众的兴趣    10
(二) 受众面比较狭窄,导致题材大同小异    10
(三) 市场有限,过多投入导致盈利局面尴尬    11
致  谢    12
参考文献    13
绪 论
微电影(Micro film),即微型电影,又称微影。它是指专门运用在各种新媒体平台上播放的、适合在移动状态和短时休闲状态下观看的、具有完整策划和系统制作体系支持的具有完整故事情节的“微(超短)时”(30秒-300秒)放映、“微(超短)周期制作(1-7天或数周)”和“微(超小)规模投资(几千-数千/万元每部)”的视频(“类”电影)短片[20]。2010年由吴彦祖主演的《一触即发》上映,自此揭开了微电影这一新兴电影的面纱,微电影开始进入人们的视野。发展至今,微电影不仅成为众多产品品牌营销的一种重要传播方式,例如益达口香糖的所推出的《苦751酸甜》系列,凯迪拉克爆红一时的《66号公路》等,这些微电影推广了品牌内涵和传递了企业文化精神,起到了很好的品牌传播效果。同时,微电影也在发展的过程中越来越贴近生活,源于生活,高于生活,无论是专业的还是非专业的群体都开始借微电影讲述感情故事、幽默故事,励志故事等,在短短的5-15分钟内,呈现出五光十色,层次各异的微电影作品。 浅析微电影的传播特点+文献综述:http://www.751com.cn/xinwen/lunwen_13123.html