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时间:2018-05-09 21:30来源:毕业论文

Break through the road to the municipal people's livelihood news
  Abstract:Since the "Nanjing Zero Distance" have broadcasted, the television livelihood of the people news ushered in a period of development. After ten years of development, the local TV station through the beginning of the brilliant period, there remain stagnant even ratings have been in decline, encountered a hitherto unknown development bottleneck. Investigate its reason, lies in the people's livelihood news program the narrow local view, content homogenization, as well as for farmers the viewing subject news aphasia. In this paper, through literature research and case analysis and other methods, which faces to the livelihood of the people news on the plight of the analysis, and to the livelihood of the people news how to stand in the competition and development put forward several solutions: re positioning of the target audience, to re-examine, extended the livelihood of the people news connotation and extension, and emerging media fusion development of rural theme. Hope to provide reference for the development of people's livelihood news.
Keywords: People's livelihood news; dilemma; breakthrough
目    录

摘  要    1
Abstract    1
一、民生新闻的概述    2
二、地市级民生新闻正面临着严峻的竞争重围    3
(一)同台综合类新闻节目的竞争    3
(二)同类民生新闻节目的竞争    3
(三)新媒体平台所提出的挑战    4
三、造成民生新闻难以脱颖而出的缘由    4
(一)节目内容中狭隘的本土化观点    4
(二)农民在民生新闻中的集体失语    6
(三)地市级民生新闻内容的同质化    6
(四)民生新闻采写编形式的随意化    7
四、民生新闻的突围之路    8
(一)对目标受众进行重新定位    8
(二)对农村题材进行重新审视    9
(三)提高受众参与性和互动性    9
(四)扩展新闻评论内涵和外延    10
(五)增强新闻观点的建设性    11
(751)与新兴媒体融合发展    11
参考文献    13
自2001年起,在全国各地电视台新闻革新浪潮中,民生新闻节目如雨后春笋般涌现出来。以江苏台的《南京零距离》节目为代表,该节目把注意力集中在普通百姓身上,以人为本、关注民生、为人民服务对以往新闻类节目的表达方式,让更多的观众看到表述自己身边生活的民生新闻。电视民生新闻以民生内容、布衣视角、民本取向彰显本身的品质与本性,表现出了普通百姓关注身边事和文娱化的收视心理。在与传统新闻理念的对比中获得了胜利,其较高收视率成为地市级电视媒体成功的有效途径。电视民生新闻节目在成功的同时也引发了市场的效仿,许多频道及栏目都先后进行模仿和复制,部分甚至全部的情节和内容相似,导致节目同质化的现象严重,逐步引起观众对民生新闻的收视兴趣锐减。本文结合资料认为地市级电视台民生新闻在竞争中应从实际出发,不断改进节目形式让自己在激烈的竞争中获得优势。要从定位、内容、编辑和观众等多方面进行创新,从而确立竞争保持优势地位。 地市级民生新闻的突围之路:http://www.751com.cn/xinwen/lunwen_15283.html