毕业论文关键词:独立纪录片; 独立精神;人文关怀;传播策略
Analysis of the Breaking-Through Road for Chinese Independent Documentary
Abstract: Since the beginning of the 1990s, with the deepening of reform and opening up, all fields of society have gone through all the changes, with the atmosphere of social culture, increasing open and inpidual subject consciousness strengthening. Therefore, in this background, Chinese independent documentary began to enter the sight of moviegoers, who were a group of people full of independent and exploring spirits and poured fresh life into movie industry. This paper analysis the developing process and social value of Chinese independent documentary by combining literature study and analysis of cases. What’s more, the paper also organizes its persified development from the beginning of exploring to nowadays and focuses on analyzing the existing problem in the development of Chinese independent documentary in order to explore its breaking-through road and seek a better and broader development space for Chinese independent documentary.
Key Words: Independent Documentary; independent spirit; humane care; communication strategy
目 录
摘 要 1
Abstract 1
一、中国独立纪录片概述 2
(一)中国独立纪录片的界定 2
(二)中国独立纪录片发展历程 3
二、中国独立纪录片的社会价值 4
(一)对平民的关注,体现深厚的人文关怀 4
(二)民间的独立创作,扩充中国影像史 4
三、中国独立纪录片发展中存在的问题 4
(一)创作题材的局限,导致作品的趋同化 5
(二)创作者自身素质的局限,导致作品艺术性的缺失 5
(三)对私密空间的展露,导致伦理道德争议 6
(四)制作资金、传播渠道的限制,导致对西方话语权的迎合 6
四、对中国独立纪录片未来发展的思考与建议 7
(一)提升创作者自身素养,转变创作观念 7
(二)加强自身道德修养,遵守法律规范 8
(三)充分利用媒体平台,拓展传播渠道 8
(四)多方融资,谋求资金支持 9
参考文献 11
随着中国市场经济体制的进一步发展,经历了一场轰轰烈烈的改革开放,社会各个领域和层面都经历了种种变革,从文化氛围来说,大众文化开始占据舞台的中心,民众的主体意识逐渐加强,开始独立思考自身存在的价值,以及周遭的环境与人的生存状态,在这样开放、兼容的大背景下,中国独立纪录片进一步发展壮大,以其特有的独立精神、艺术魅力展现在更多的人眼前,呈现出更多元的影像。但是其发展到现阶段也出现了一些问题,影响了中国独立纪录片的整体质量与水准,本论文着重分析其存在的问题,并从创作者自身素质与创作观念,传播渠道与融资等方面探寻其突围之路,以谋求中国独立纪录片更好的发展。 探析中国独立纪录片的突围之路:http://www.751com.cn/xinwen/lunwen_16420.html