Analysis of Micro Film development in New Media Context
Abstract:In the context of new media a micro era comes into being on the internet, in which micro films have formed a critical way to meet the need of consuming fragmentation. Thus micro films are becoming more and more popular among people. This paper includes an overview of micro films in the context of new media, analyzing the developing advantages of micro films as regards the communication platform, great profits from commercial cooperation, and catering to micro era. As for the major problems in the development of micro films such as lack of standardized management, parroting production, and excessive commercialization, the paper puts forward various developmental strategies for micro films including professional production, refined creativity and varied management. The paper has offered rational analysis and probing into the developmental status quo and prospects of micro films in the context of new media.
Key Words:New Media Context; micro films;developmental status;development strategy
目 录
摘要 1
Abstract. 1
一、新媒体语境下的微电影概述 2
二、新媒体语境对微电影发展的促进作用 2
(一)传播环境的优势 3
(二)微电影迎合“微时代” 3
(三)与商业联姻的双赢局面 4
三、新媒体语境对微电影发展的不利影响 4
(一)规范化管理的缺失 5
(二)制作雷同化 5
四、微电影在新媒体语境下的发展策略 6
(一)关注受众兴趣,重视受众对微电影创作的意义 6
(二)走专业化的发展道路 6
(三)创意致胜,内容为王 7
(四)差异化经营,适度商业化 7
参考文献 9
也正是新媒体语境的特性表明了微视听形式的文化消费受到人们越来越多的关注,而文章中要表述的微电影,就是在这样一个虚拟性的语境下应运而生,并且伴着近几年的发展成为非常受欢迎的新媒体形式。早在2010年前,品牌汽车凯迪拉克与好莱坞创作班底共同携手推出了短片形式的广告《一触即发》,并且在营销过程中旗帜鲜明地喊出了微电影的口号 。也就是从这时期,微电影算是有了一个较为完整的概念。 新媒体语境下微电影的发展探析:http://www.751com.cn/xinwen/lunwen_18226.html