摘 要:自1993年由英达导演的中国第一部情景喜剧《我爱我家》起,中国情景喜剧已经走过了21年的历史,有过繁荣,也经历了低谷。本篇论文就是以中国情景喜剧为研究对象,通过采用文献综述法、个案研究法、文献调查法对国产情景喜剧面临的困境及其原因和突围之路进行分析和论述,发现中国情景喜剧存在以下问题:题材同质化现象,存在很多“盲点”;人物性格符号化,幽默手段欠缺;质量参差不齐,专业程度偏低;市场羽翼未丰,产业链条粗放。针对这些困境从打造强大的编导队伍;创新优化制作平台;增加融资渠道;“三网融合”市场化运作这四方面找到情景喜剧的突围之路,希望能为中国情景喜剧的发展提供理论依据,给观众带去更多的欢乐。25056
Chinese Situation Comedy Predicaments and Breakthrough
Abstract:Since the first sitcom "I love my family" directed by Ying Da come into being in 1993, the Chinese sitcom has passed 21 years. There have been prosperous, but also experienced a downturn along the development of the sitcom. This thesis treats Chinese sitcom as the topic. By using the method of literature review, case studies and literature survey, discussed the cause of plight that the domestic sitcom is facing and the solution to maintain future development. It has been found that there are some issues existed in Chinese sitcom, what are the following: theme homogeneity, existence of "blind spots"; Symbol of the character's personality, lacking the means of humor; various quality; low professional level, fledgling marketing skills and extensive industrial chain. In response to these difficulties, we could find a break through of sitcom by forming formidable director team, innovating the optimize production platform, increasing financing channels and "triple play" market-oriented operation. Hoping to provide a theoretical basis for the development of China's sitcom and bring more enjoyment our audience.
Key Words: situation comedy; tri-networks integration; production platform
目 录
摘 要 1
Abstract 1
一、情景喜剧概述 2
(一)情境喜剧的定义 2
(二)情景喜剧的历史源流及特点 3
二、中国情景喜剧的困境 4
(一)题材同质化现象严重,存在很多“盲点” 4
(二)人物性格符号化,幽默手法欠缺 5
(三)质量参差不齐,专业程度偏低 6
(四)市场羽翼未丰,产业链条粗放 7
三、情景喜剧困境出现的原因 8
(一)观念陈旧,视野狭窄 8
(二)模式固定,缺乏创新 9
(三)投资过少,质量不高 9
(四)产业价值评估陷入误区 10
四、情景喜剧的突围 11
(一)打造强大的编导队伍 11
(二)创新优化制作平台 12
(三)扩大宣传,吸引外资 12
(四)“三网融合”市场化运作 13
参考文献 15
在中国情景喜剧发展的历程中,随着多种类型的情景喜剧作品进入大众的视野。情景喜剧本身也开始受到电视台的重视,原本被批评、被轻视的地位已成为过去式。在不经意间,情景喜剧因其带给人们无尽的欢乐与笑声已成为人们生活中重要的娱乐消遣方式。然而,情景喜剧在电视消费市场上并非是不可或缺的节目类型,由于主流频道、主流文化的排斥,黄金时段的高高在上,观众审美观念的局限,加之投资的缺乏,都使得中国情景喜剧的发展寸步难行。更重要的是,中国情景喜剧因其缺乏严谨的理论与实践经验,编创人员往往为了名利而制作出相当数量的粗糙的剧集,这对情景喜剧的良性发展造成很大威胁。总的来说,目前情景喜剧研究已经开始受到关注,但在专业理论领域的系统研究还是比较薄弱的。本论文在参阅大量相关资料的基础上,试图对中国情景喜剧理论进行梳理和分析,阐述中国情景喜剧的困境,揭示其不足,力求为中国情景喜剧的发展起到积极的参考作用。 中国情景喜剧的困境与突围:http://www.751com.cn/xinwen/lunwen_18688.html